I've downloaded the rom (Venom copy is what I found) and then selected all of the EX options and still get a white screen..Granted, I do get the VENOM intro....lol Any ideas on how to get this one up and running on the no$gba/no$zoomer emulator? Thanks in advance. HoustonTX224
If you are lazy to read through the thread that Tirith has posted, Just encrypt the rom, and then run it through BIOS.
Just tried to encrypt rom..says it can't recognize/detect a ds rom..I used a clean rom to encrypt...Any ideas?
It should recognize the rom if you put the rom on the same folder with it, just make sure the rom has .nds extension. Run the enDrypt Advanced, press 1, and it should encrypt the rom automatically, just make sure to make backup, just in case something wrong happen.
I did change the ext.to nds...Going to retry it. Thanks for all the help. Just retried it and say no ds rom/ ique rom found..????? Post Merge: [time]1288149505[/time] Got it...at leaast on no$gba...no luck with no$zoomer ...yet..Thanks..Much appreciated.