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LoZ Phantom Hourglass... Jolene

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by MvikeL, Apr 1, 2008.

  1. MvikeL

    MvikeL Member

    After you get the third spirit, the spirit of courage, and leave Molida Island, you immediately have to face Jolene. I've gotten up to the point where she gets into your ship and start to fight, and have given her three hits and gotten into the part where the swords clash and you have to rub your stylus like mad to win. The problem is, i play the game on my laptop with a DS emulator, and apparently, rubbing with the mouse or touch pad isn't fast enough to finish this psychotic lady. I've been through this scenario over 30 times, and have failed miserably on each one... Any tips on how to handle this situation? Like a glitch or a special method to get through this scene?
    Getting desperate here >_<
  2. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    What emulator are you using? Other sources have said that you can't beat Jolene if you have AR codes on.
  3. MvikeL

    MvikeL Member

    Hmm I'm using the Phantom Hourglass (US) I downloaded from this site on the emulator "No$GBA"... supposed to be a really good one, even if it cant auto save...

    And are you saying that there's no way for me to get past if i have the wrong kind of emu?
  4. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    No, other people have experienced the same problem no matter what emulator they used, iDeaS or no$gba. And are you sure you're rubbing on the "rub stylus" graphic that pops up? Because I just tried PH then, and I didn't have to rub very fast to beat her.
  5. MvikeL

    MvikeL Member

    Yeah, I'm extremely positively sure that I'm rubbing the bottom touch screen, and the game makes the rubbing sounds... but it doesnt work, even if i do solid, fast rubs, with most or all of it registering... Just can't beat her :[

    Hmm hold on, you said theres a rubbing graphic that i have to rub? I tried rubbing horizontally, diagonally, and vertically... maybe im just rubbing in the wrong ways or the wrong place? lemme check again... Btw, thnx for the support anandjones
  6. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Wow, can't think of anything to help you now.. If only the emulation settings could slow down gameplay, no$gba has a setting like that, but it doesn't work. Do you have a DS and a flashcart? If you don't, you'll probably have to use a AR code. There might be one to slow down gameplay.
  7. Warren_303

    Warren_303 Well-Known Member

    I wonder if cranking up the mouse speed would make a difference? In the control panel.
  8. MvikeL

    MvikeL Member

    Have a DS, no flashcart, but i could try to borrow an R4 from my friend... is it possible to load the game there in your DS, beat that part, then load it bak into your computer with the save file? No idea what an AR code is.

    And I'm starting to believe mouse speed isn't the problem, because I've gotten used to using the mouse as much as a regular stylus, and I'm pretty fast and accurate with it... Besides, too much mouse speed would mean loss of control and your pointer wouldn't stay on the small unresizable screen to create the rub effect...
  9. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    It might do, but even on the slowest pointer settings, all you have to do is move about a inch each way, and on different pointer settings, it doesn't really make a difference moving that short, but it could still work.

    Yes borrow the R4, go to http://www.shunyweb.info/ to convert your save (I assume you're using no$gba) to a R4 compatible save. Then beat that part and convert it back to no$gba. An AR code is Action Replay, a type of cheat code you can add.
  10. MvikeL

    MvikeL Member

    Hmm, ok thnx anandjones... i'll try that out
  11. Na22y

    Na22y New Member

    hi um i'm having trouble on the isle of frost i can only enter and exit three houses the other three i can enter but can't exit anyone have any idea what's wrong?