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Love problems...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ShyriaXil, Oct 16, 2009.

  1. ShyriaXil

    ShyriaXil Active Member

    I don't know if I should post here but... I'm trying to get over someone by liking someone else but I still think of that person. Can someone help me by giving me some advice on how to get over this guy?

    oh and I'm new to the forums lol, first post!
  2. Avatar33

    Avatar33 Well-Known Member

    dont like someone else and maybe after a while you will get over them, it worked for one of my friends so maybe it will help
  3. johncarl

    johncarl Well-Known Member

    do stuff that makes you happy,youll eventually forget you liked him.
    then go like somebody again.
  4. Avatar33

    Avatar33 Well-Known Member

    maybe that will help to
  5. orange281

    orange281 Well-Known Member

    Liking somebody else is not the best plan. Just take a break to get over the first guy.
    Welcome to romu (apparently we do love advice as well as gaming)
  6. chukapi

    chukapi Guest

    Well liking someone else just to forget the guy is just wrong on my point of view.. You should just hide the things that he gave you so or throw them so that it will not remind you of him,keep yourself busy and after a while you will forget him..
  7. Avatar33

    Avatar33 Well-Known Member

    love and gaming great combo
  8. johncarl

    johncarl Well-Known Member

    we know 'forgetting someone important is hard.
  9. Avatar33

    Avatar33 Well-Known Member

    but what
  10. johncarl

    johncarl Well-Known Member

    if she wants to forget the guy...
    i am assuming his importance to her has leveled down.
    makes it easier for her to forget.
  11. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    I suggest you don't give her too much advice, might make her confused you know.
    Just let her read some information you gave her first.
  12. johncarl

    johncarl Well-Known Member

    i know i will.okay ill stop.
  13. orange281

    orange281 Well-Known Member

    ...or she could just read a cleo or cosmo or any other chicks magazine. Plenty of advice in them....... DONT take that the wrong way
  14. vib

    vib New Member

    Infatuation is like a bad habit... if you can mostly avoid things that trigger it for 3 weeks, you should be much more in control of it.

    Also, don't fall into the trap where you believe that you always need an SO in your life... its perfectly fine to be single and off the market for a while.
  15. ShyriaXil

    ShyriaXil Active Member

    ok thanks for the advice, i appreciate it =)
    guess I'll do somethings that will make me happy haha

    and lol didn't know that
  16. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I know the feeling...

    I'm trying to get over a person I once liked...

    In the end-I...

    -found someone else to like and almost forgot about the previous

    -CHanged to a more time consuming job that was rather physical-requireing me to block out those thoughts.

    No longer do I worry about being alone-because my mind is too busy.

    That, and being a regular user here has made me forget-I aim to help as many people as possible :)

    While how I dealt with mine is...not what a normal person should do (especially the latter) it has helped-but try hanging out here-post in spam thread...

    And I don't mean post your issues there-have a chat-have a good time-THAT is the best way to forget :)
  17. Mikiie

    Mikiie Well-Known Member

    Play World Of Warcraft.
  18. ghazghkull

    ghazghkull New Member

    go out with your friends, do stuff you like, focus on yourself not someone else
  19. Sarah Kreuz

    Sarah Kreuz Well-Known Member

    Eat chocolate. (no kidding, it works!)
  20. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Watch some hot stuff in the net xP It should help...