Hi , I was hoping someone might be able to check if i can get back some points i lost due to a server problem on 11-7-09 sat ,before i started the download i had about 1820 points then i tried to download 1 file worth 176 points & couldnt due to both servers down,and when it got fixed i checked my account and had only 1035 points remaining (if any one can help i would appreciate it) ive also uploaded a couple of screenshots in dreamcast in the meantime. thanks
hi ,yeah im from aussie ,but unfortunatley ive already lost the points it's deducted them from my account already ,that's why i was was hoping someone might be able to check it out for me!
It might be deducted as you see it but you can still redownload the file just as long as it is within 24 hours. What time did you download it?
hI blade, I first tried about 9am to download a file that was only 176 points but it had that server error down,so i retried again to download the same file with the europe server it was also down - so i went back to download the same file north america server site probably 10 mins later it it was still down ,so i left it for about 3 hrs and tried again from europe server and it was fine,only problem was my points were 1820 before i started at 9am - and after i finally got the download to work my points total was 1035 - so i 'm kinda hopin someone may be able to check into it for me! Post Merge: [time]1247292115[/time] I might also be getting mixed up with my original points total (as i'm starting to wonder now if i might have got it wrong Knowing Me!) all i guess i'm asking is if someone can look into my points history for today just incase there was something wrong!
It shouldn't double count you. It takes the points on the first attempt and any attempt after that within 24 hours should have been free. It's really NO BIG DEAL, since well, you're losing 800 or so points. That can be made up in no time. I have over 26k points with pretty much nothing to spend it on.
I had the same problem and my points were taken and i couldnt download. I kept trying to download it but it said i didn't have enough points which was true but if that free within 24 hours thing is true why wouldnt it let me. Im new to this and i was downloading a psx file, does this happen often or is it a rare thing, cause im saving my points but i dont just want to lose them all again.