Yup, seems unlikely but it's alot more fun than the game \ You got many modes, but one of the most interesting is the faction matches. All 5 factions compete, winning factions get's points to unlock stuff 9story modes gives these out as well, but you get more if your team dominates ) Now...what faction is doing all the work? Fight junkies, snow pirate elites, rounders, nevec? No, the all girl Femme fatals! (Except for the players-despite my views on traps (gender bending) in games...I had to join, the last team I was in "fight junkies" as they are called came third out of the 5, yet I got enough points from a round of a boss battle in story mode on easy! ...Imagine if mine actually won! So, which side would you join ? (Also my team faction, once at a certain level, get's a special shotgun you can't get in the slot machine, only with femme fatals )
WoW!!! The smallest boss is soo big. Anyways, So what do each factions do? I'l check the PC version out tomorrow.
Each faction is much the same, it's just the base model that changes things really, but with each faction level gained, you can unlocked special weapons that can't be bought from the slot machine, I'm aiming for the shotgun... But the best is the Shurikin from the rounders, works like a normal grenade, after it bounces around and cut's people in half first. Also read my lost lost planet 2 topic and read the reviews...it's BS hard at times and the mechanics are unforgiving, and you need to play with human players, or else this game will throw you around and not care...I like to think of it as a new contra or metal slug ..last night I encounted some japanese players, team of 3 of them as snow pirate elites kept owning, they have already taken over one match with the win ration 80% to them which is insane! Just 3 of them as a smart team did it, but tonight after 3 losses (one with a team with one extra player) we beat them, our team had 7 players...that's how many of us were needed They worked together, and captured alot faster as a result, because most players in a faction match capturing data post tend to split up to capture the data post and be picked off as a result. I need to wear my headset more often
LOL i HAD to pos this... 2 on one match, here i am spamming the gun sword (best melee attack ever!) and our team one (naturally, we got the data post easy)... Someone who was in the match sent me a pm, saying "C***", now no idea who it was (the opponent we double teamed, or my partner who didn't help activate the last data post and STOOD THERE taunting...he started helping me when I HIT HIM and then stopped again, so I hit him with the gun sword, won the match, and proceeded to kill him even though the damage is blow back. Whoever it was... 1.I'm a girl and wondering "wtf is your problem" (Well...why not make them feel bad ) 2.It's a game, GET OVER IT! 3.Least I'm not one of those snow pirate elites that spam shurikins...those things are worse than a kamikaze player with a gunsword equipped!
How I deal with these types of people; 1. I ignore them. 2. If the continue to annoy me, I say screw it and just beat them up even more.
Well this person has yet to reply so i guess it worked XD It was sent as a pm message btw, if I had my mic I would have blown my cover.... Meh, I just thought it was funny, sure I swear but not directly to one's inbox XD
I tried Lost Planet Colonies Extreme Condition, the camera movement is soooo slooooow. I can't turn quickly.