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Loss of points

Discussion in 'Site Support' started by clashina, Feb 22, 2009.

  1. clashina

    clashina New Member

    Basically when I was clicking to download a few files, some downloads would have "no input file", most likely meaning the link is bad or just down at the moment. However, the points was still deducated from me, same with the link that you click and you get an error on. Is that normal or ??
  2. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    If it says no input file then the points aren't deducted no, only working downloads take points, but this is irrelevant really, if you would read our introduction guide linked in the secondary navigation under home then you'd know for 24 hours following your initial download you can download at no extra point cost. So just start your download again. (If it still takes points then we don't have the download logged, and if we don't have the download logged then the points couldn't be taken in the first place anyway)