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Losing Weight

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by XD9999, Aug 12, 2008.

  1. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    Hello, Ive been planning to lose weight and i saw this site.


    is this ok for 30 days only or is it alright for 60 days?
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I would question some of it, and diets in general are usually a bad idea. The key is not to stop eating certain things, but to balance what you eat with how much exercise you do, and to take everything in moderation.
  3. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    fast weight loss is bad for you it needs to be gradual. you should do more exercise and then start to change your diet to suit your new life style because at the end of the day quick fixes don't work you may loose a bit of fat and then just put it back on you need to slowly change your mentality.
    just start with some easy exercise just walking rather then getting transport do some not impact exercise like cycling and swimming and as you fitness and stamina start to do a bit more, there is nothing worse then saying I'm gonna go for a run and then feel like shit cause you a minute down the road and already out of breath and aching. just start slow and get that good feeling you get from exercise cause just a small bit at a time really does make you feel good within your self.
    forget about food for the moment, people go on about food way to much. trust me when you are actually doing exercise you will start to crave better food, fruit and veg look more appealing because your body wants vitamins and the energy you get from them and stodgy food will look less appealing. and if it doesn't then just cut out horrible fatty foods but don't go silly your body still needs all of the food groups. and don't, please don't watch the scales cause A. if you doing more exercise you should be building muscle that weighs more then fat so you may gain weight and it should not just drop off you it should be a gradual thing. just do it so you feel better within your self and you may not notice that you are loosing weight or rather fat but the comments will come after a while "hey man you look rally good" or "have you lost weight or something?"

    do not look at guides or fitness guru's or crash diets or hollywood dip shits
    just start being more active to start with and the rest will follow i know because i am doing it right now, i cycle and i play badminton and i feel great, i still have a belly and some man boobs but the are going slowly and i very fit, fitter then my thin friends and one is a life guard.
    my final tip do something you enjoy and have fun with it because if gitting fit is a chore you won't want to do it for long and this is a change you need to make for life not just a quick fix till you loose it and then pile it back on.

    hope i could help you out.
  4. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    if you really wanna lose weight fast..... start smoking lol. Nicotine supresses hunger, and although its bad for your health, if you can survive on coffee and ciggys (yeah thats my diet) youll watch the weight drop off. And without any of this exercise crap too
  5. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member


    yeah that may work but you'll feel like crap and it's not a good idea at all so ignor this fool

    (Almo what are you thinking giving that advise) ;D
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Don't just ignore the fool, pity him (The Book of T. chap 4, verse 17) :p
  7. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    the book of T????
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    a joke, since Mr. T always says 'I pity the foo' and because he was a role model to kids, so he should have a 'holy' book called 'the book of T.' in which he lays out his instructions for kids to lead good lives.
  9. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    ^Winter is the diet/fitness expert of RomUlation. Just don't do surgeries or take weight loss pills that "work", or use the burning acid, and you'll be okay :)
  10. Relys

    Relys Well-Known Member

    In prove your life style gradually instead of rushing it (Which can be unhealthy).

    Just don't overeat and take a walk everyday. ;D

    I guess I wouldn't know though, I'm actually a bit underweight.
  11. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    so to sum everything up:

    1. Eat healthy
    2. Exercise daily relative to the capability of your body.
    3. take things slowly - being healthy takes time.
    4. Be patient.
    5. crash diets can be dangerous?
  12. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    yeah but don't worry to much about what you eat yet just cut out the crap to start with cause when you start the exorcise your body will tell you what it wants
  13. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    will any GUM do? like menthos? or how bout menthol candy?
  14. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    If you want to, read some of these topics https://www.romulation.org/forum/index.php/topic,7596.0.html
  15. Killua Zaoldyeck

    Killua Zaoldyeck Well-Known Member

    everone talk about losing weight...

    i can't gain my weight.. how to do that??? I'm a good eater you know.. but i can never gain any weight...
  16. tiklu

    tiklu Well-Known Member

    Heh... I have same promblem... just 'cause I lost weight way too much... Someones just don't gain wight so easily... Okay... I like to move a lot but still... this is pretty depressing...
    Hope so gf decides to stop telling me to gain weight ._.'' [okay... she wants me to gain 5 kg more ^^' [I'm about 173-175 cm and about 50kg ^^' It's fine to be thin]]

    BTW, how many lbs is one kg? Anybody know? ^^' just wants to know just for fun.
  17. Roy mustang

    Roy mustang Well-Known Member

    The only healthy way to lose weight imo. Is simply exercise and eat proper food but don't give up sweets altogether just eat them more moderately. :)
  18. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I'm clinically underweight but there's nothing I or anyone else can do about it.

    by the way, 1Kg is about 2.2lbs.
  19. ultra

    ultra Guest

    my advice, eat healthy. just make sure you have plenty of vegetables and have a smaller portion of meat.

    you'll also need to keep a routine [work out], which is probably the most hardest part of the diet because we're lazy.
    for work outs, it's best to perform aerobics [running, jogging, walking, etc....]. you don't have to exercise a long time, but you do need to keep it constant. so if you're planning on running, about 20-30 minutes is enough for each day. you could tone down on your work out over the weekends by just doing more walking rather then running [like hanging out with friends which you'll end up doing more walking]. if you plan on walking, try to make at least a mile walk each day.

    atkins diets does work, but requires a lot of work out time [about 1hr]. it will bulk you up though as you eat proteins which will build muscles.

    it's impossible to lose 20lbs of weight in 1 month.
    btw, wiifit is great for this. my sister uses it more then the rest of us. she likes the aerobics program that is included. the hoolahoop and the jogging is quite good. she spends like 10 minutes warming up, 10 minutes doing hoolahoop and another 10 doing the jogging. and sometimes another 10 doing some yoga.
  20. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    If you want to get some more weight, don't think that just eating unhealthy foods will do it, it would be better if you could work out at the gym or something and get some kgs in muscle on your arms and stuff. So you'd weight more, and look good.