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Losing the will to play ...

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by MindFever, Mar 18, 2010.

  1. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    These are some examples i have. If any of you experienced the same thing,this could be useful.

    For some reason,whenever i want to play Phantom Hourglas (and im realy near the end of the game itself), i feel like "meh..." ...

    But i realy like the game ,dammit!

    I'm telling you what it is...it is that fucking dungeon i hate so much.

    Did it ever happen to you in a game ... It is like you play it... you come to a point (not an impassable point either) ,but then you rather look at the rom's figurine in the R4 menu and then you just turn off your system.

    Maybe it is discipline... You know...if you have on a flashcart something like 20 games. you dont finish one series of a game (i.e. Castlevania for the DS), but jump from one game to the other ...and only because there is 1 small annoyance in a certain game.

    Probably some of you experienced this : turned on the DS > FLASHCART menu > eyes scan the list of games > deciding in progress > after 5 minutes you turn the system off

    I have a partial solution to this: if you play ,lets say , Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow - dont load on the flashcart another Castlevania sequel of the series untill you finish the first one (therefore,you should play Portrait of Ruin only after you finish Dawn of Sorrow).
    It should be a "treat" you give yourself after finishing a game.
    Sure,you can have 20 different games... im not saying that you should have only 1 rom :) Anyway,this cured my problem of never finishing a single game.

    Sorry if the topic is a bit lame ... but im wondering if im the only one who is experiencing this.I am quite new to DS gaming,so ... maybe its just normal and what i said and "figured out" is maybe like inventing hot water :D (nothing it was already done).
  2. miros

    miros Well-Known Member

    Interesting, I have never heard of that kind of problem. There are some games that I will beat before I even look at another, however most of the time I will just play whatever game I feel like. I do not know off the top of my head, but I know that I have at least 60+ NDS roms on my 8 GB microSDHC card right now (Acekard 2i w/ AKAIO 1.6 RC-1). As you can imagine, it would be inhuman to play through every game without cheating or making modifications to the rom. I am also aware that I do not have the time to play through all of the already growing collection of roms completely, so I have come to the conclusion that I should get a taste of every kind of game that I can and if there is something that I really like then I will play through the game in its entirety. Best of luck,
  3. rell

    rell Well-Known Member

    i actually agree with you completly. thats the same thing that happened to me while playing LoZ soirit tracks, and a bunch of other games too. i dont know why this is, i think its just because flashcart/emulator users have such a huge library to choose from and a short attention span.The should develop some type of medicine yo treat this.kidding.
  4. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Nah it's not just you, it happens to me, but not because of the flashcart, but ebcause of the huge library of games I own.

    For example I own alot of GC games and Wii games along with some 360 games and alot of DS games, but now I have a Flashcart and it's getting to the point where I can't keep up with my gaming habit, I tend to get bored half way through a game and decide to try out a different game, this especially happen with Tales of symphonia for game cube because that game was 80 hours long and I didn't finish it till a year later.
  5. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Indeed....i agree it would be time consuming to finish a game first before going to the next.But that's not exactly what i ment. I meant that ,if you play for example Castlevania 1 DS ... finish it and only then you should play Castlevania 2 DS ,you know ?
    Sure you can have many other games that dont have sequels/prequels. But i find that if i say to myself "ok,what genre is this? tRPG? ok ,i will have 3 tactical rpg games and finish them first" and so on ...so i have about 15 games on my 4gb card and im finishing them slowly ;)

    I'm glad this post was interesting to you.It does happen to not-so-few people and i find out that my "method" ,although quite obvious, helps alot.You can then enjoy even more some highly anticipated games. I havent even started to see how it looks like SPIRIT TRACKS ,because i want to finish Phantom Hourglass first ;) And i'm telling you,i cant wait to play it ... it is like a "prize",if you will. I finished a game,now i can treat myself with others.
    This applies to people who like to have more than 10 games on their flashcart and to those who are new to the flashcart scene.Since im new,i had this problem and it was demoralizing. And yet,gaming is not that important in my life...but i think that enjoying a game more,with some suggestions that could help, is not that bad of an idea,right?

    Cheers ,enjoy your gaming

    NOTE: let me say again,i should've better explained...what i wrote is a tip for those who are new to the DS+Flashcart scene (1 year into it or so,like myself).Since i had this experience and heard other people having similar experiences,i only made a suggestion how to resume your enjoyement of DS games (there are so many good ones,dammit :) ). I dont feel i have found something new that nobody has thought of...
    Ok that's that ;)
    Post Merge: [time]1269008721[/time]
    Oh ,nice to hear that we are not alone :) No,im sorry ... i didnt mean it was the flashcart's fault,heheh ;) It's because of the method i used how to jump from one game to the other,experiencing the thrill of "something new" gets you hooked :D (so to speak...jokingly said ofcourse)...it was a mistake that can bring the enjoyment level of playing games on the DS to a lower level. And since some other people could go thru the same experience,i dont think is such a bad idea to mention my "method" :)
  6. YungPhil

    YungPhil Active Member

    Always happens to me.
    Always always always
    Megaman starforce 3 cant be botherd in the filiming area
    Castlevania i cant get past the 1st level...!!! Im actaually pissed on this one
    Ace attorney i cant get past the art guy i dont know why
    Playing avalon code a bit
    Final fantasy tactics A2 completed it want to play it on hard buh meh
    Lots of games
    Always happend to me sincei had my ps1
  7. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    It's the flashcart's fault. :p

    As some say, if you got more than what you need/want, you see them with lesser value. I have the same problem with you and I do EXACTLY what you did. Solved my problem too. Forced to end the game before moving on.
  8. rell

    rell Well-Known Member

    but this could be stopped if someone would just buy their games. if you pay for it, there wouldnt be "lesser value" in the first place. I know this for a fact because when i bought my games, i completed them 100% through. know that i use emus and flashcarts i finish halfway through and move to the next, only because i CAN. You cant just get bored of a game and buy another for 60+. Not unless your rich, if if you are indeed rich then you should be on romulation.jealousy
  9. xelados

    xelados Well-Known Member

    I assume you meant "shouldn't", but you make a good point.

    When you buy a game, it's an unspoken contract to play through it, for the most part. That's why I use my R4 as a "try before you buy" type of device. It helps me steer clear of games I don't enjoy and buy the ones that I do. It's a very easy and effective way to game, and saves you money.

    That said, I only played Japanese Soul Silver up to the first gym and I'm buying the legit US version asap.
  10. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Heheh... makes you wonder doesnt it ? is it the games or is it the vast array of games that fucks-up with our free choice ?
    But i have to say in defense something, i do enjoy certain games that make me go "...turn off the DS" after i finaly force myself to try and finish them.
    Post Merge: [time]1269226898[/time]
    True ... but somehow,when i had 20 SNES games,i played them through easily.Sure,it is a bit different having 20 SNES games and having 20GB of Roms on your PC,awaiting your flashcart transfer ;)
    Post Merge: [time]1269227233[/time]
    all of you made valid arguments...i agree it is entirely different if you buy a game.But there is the problem of having too much to choose from (if you have the flashcart ,that is). It can screw about with your persona... you get the notion you can just switch to something more interesting.That "fresh game" feel can get on to you.

    So our suggestion to newcomers to the flashcart scene is ,possibly, that they should'nt download all the roms they want at once.Savour the difficulty of a game.Level up your resiliance,so to speak... you will enjoy it far more when you do it this way. I finished Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow,but i saw the shittiest ending a game can have... now,i am trying to finish it with that "best" ending.And i feel that after i finish this game properly,i deserve to finish Portrai of Ruin and Order of Ecclesia - not to mention ,i need me some Castlevania training ;) (yes,im actualy new to this game,can you believe it ?)
  11. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    I like your answer at the end, it is very true.. I really do recommend people beat there games before downloading/buying more.. because, before you know it.. you wont be able to keep up with the games you love.
  12. Mateus M.

    Mateus M. Active Member

    Well,I just finished some of the games that I own.I have lots of PS2 games,lots of NDS games and a good
    amount of PSP games,so it is just impossible to finish them all.So I play a little of every game and if
    I really like one of them,then I stop playing other games and finish the one that I really liked.
  13. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Well,thank you. I only hope others will heed my advice... it realy sucks to jump from one game to another too frequently.
    I think it has something to do with the "flow" of sorts,you know?

    Heh,maybe i'll write an article for my psychology exam... i must decide which to take, sociology or psychology.... :D
  14. bobafett1136

    bobafett1136 Well-Known Member

    Same problem here, I don't even play my DS anymore.
  15. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    A-ha...i see. Well,if you wish to finish a game and feel good about it,try doing what i did.Play 1 game of the series and finish it no matter what...immagine your Resiliance leveling up :D (lol...i know it's silly,but try it nontheless)
    Because if you finish a game,you feel like part of the "team" of people who finished it too... ok,now im going into psychology again.Gaming isnt that important,but if you enjoy them like i do, try it like i did. I too have had a few weeks of "pause" ,you know...

    It is funny that i talk about these things as if it were important/imperative to human existance ;) But isnt it better to play a game and enjoy it rather than finishing it automaticaly without involvement? Same thing with movies...you must identify yourself with the characters or at least understand what they're going through.

    Ok,maybe i went a bit off-course here ...lol
  16. bobafett1136

    bobafett1136 Well-Known Member

    LOL, I've tried this before but meehh..

    Just play on my ps3 here when I'm bored.
  17. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Ah yes,i see... but it does make sense.PS3 is a far more powerful console and has more eye-candy stuff and more depth in gameplay. It does feel a bit "dry" when you start playing a game on a far more primitive hardware ,like DS (compared to PS3). I dont own any other console ,besides my Gameboy Color and DSi (sniff...no gba slot...sniff... )
  18. bobafett1136

    bobafett1136 Well-Known Member

    Save up for a PS3? I managed to get 60 GB release PS3 so I can play PS1 and PS2 games on it.
  19. SuprJoinT

    SuprJoinT Member

    I have maybe 20 roms on my ds, but MOST of them are games that you don't necessarily have to "finish", like the puzzle type stuff....Tetris, Picross, Puzzle Quest, etc.
    Then I keep a couple of Final Fantasy type games on there...maybe a few sports games..and the classic stuff like Mario kart, etc.
    I do sometimes get frustrated when I get stuck on a game, and having like 20GB of roms (at least) makes it easy to just say fuck it, I'll try something new. I do think if I had actually PAID for the game, I would find a way to complete them.
    I guess I am just spoiled on having all these games available to me for free.
    I am about to install Yellow Dog Linux on my PS3 phat (you can have every emu with this so tens of thousands of games...) so I will probably put the ds down for awhile and let my girlfriend mess with it.
  20. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Naah...i prefer my keyboard and mouse. Also i am doubtful of the PS3 a bit. The hardware and the way it is wired makes developing games frustrating.Though i bet devs wont stop making games because of it.No...it is also the gaming library and their price. Most people i know have a PS3 for Blue Ray only.Plus you should have a cooling fan because certain PS3s overheat...a flaw in the system.
    And i hate the fact that the Blue Ray controls on the joypad are different for when you're watching DVDs...also you cant skip the trailers.

    I will probably wait another year or so ,to see what will the market bring in the 2011. I am tempted for the PS3 ,i will admit that... i was looking forward FF XIII but as far as i heard it aint that good of a game.

    Post Merge: [time]1269279618[/time]
    Oh i understand completely... very similar to my experience ;)