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Looking to upgrade my Flashcart.

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Buppazugan, Mar 21, 2010.

  1. Buppazugan

    Buppazugan Well-Known Member

    So far i have narrowed down my choices to CycloDS and Acekard 2i. Which of these would be better?
  2. padfoot

    padfoot Well-Known Member

    Acekard 2i +1
  3. Chris2k9

    Chris2k9 Active Member

    I prefer Acekard 2i but CycloDS has many more features + their support is great - forums, everything

    CycloDS works very well for the DSLite
    Acekard 2i works well with the DSi
  4. Buppazugan

    Buppazugan Well-Known Member

    I have a DSLite, so would the Cyclo be the better option? Also, which one has the most games working for them?
  5. Chris2k9

    Chris2k9 Active Member

    Yes, if you have the DSLite, Cyclo would be a better option.

    Some more information:

    Acekard 2i:
    AKAIO(Acekard All In One)
    Much faster menu
    Can hide GBA mode in DSi
    Has A Start Menu with many features(Cut,copy,paste,delete,patches,3in1 settings etc.)
    More Skins Available
    Harder to make skins
    Can update firmware and cheats through Wi-Fi
    Faster Game Loading
    Calendar on top screen
    Gets quickest upadtes

    CycloDS Evolution:
    Simple Menu
    100% Compatibility
    Good team that speaks in english not chingrish
    Frequent Updates
    Slow Motion
    No Need To Put Firmwrae On Cart
    Fast Loading
    Good Box
    Good Build
    Good Card Reader

    The CycloDS is much more expensive than AceKard.
  6. SuprJoinT

    SuprJoinT Member

    I had no idea of this. Can u post a link or quickly explain how this is done????? TIA.

    I have a dsl and have the AK2I, but plan on getting a dsiXL, so that played a big role, BUT it was also MUCH cheaper than the CDS. Like $35 with a 4gb card...
  7. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Check out the AKAIO wiki. It has lots of info.
  8. Chris2k9

    Chris2k9 Active Member

    Updating via Wi-Fi
    The Wi-Fi update is intelligent, it will only update the loaders you need. If you wish to remove the R.P.G. and AK+ loaders from your AKAIO install, the updater will not replace them. If your experience problems while using the Wi-Fi update, make sure SSID is set to public broadcast on your router, as this is required. AKAIO assumes the user has correctly set up the Wi-Fi features in the DS firmware by using a game that connects to Wi-Fi.

    Show on Load
    When in doubt pick this option from the "File to Download" spinbox. After confirmation the user will be presented with a set of choices. Here users can pick what to update, which cheat database Web site to download from, and more.

    Updating Cheats
    Cheats can be updated via Wi-Fi in AKAIO. The Cheat Database updates can be updated by navigating to Start > More > Wifi Update. Select the "Cheats" option from the spin box and select "OK". AKAIO will automatically download and uncompress the newest cheat database.

    Updating Loaders
    The current loaders for the AK+, AK2/AK2I, and R.P.G. can also be downloaded via this Wi-Fi update section as well. While all loaders are packaged with each revision of AKAIO, the Wi-Fi update will only download the loader for the kit you are using. (IE: ak2loader if you are using the Acekard 2/2.1/2i). Users can search the loader database for 3 or 5 matching files going back 15 days by adjusting the "Previous Files" option.

    Updating Savelist.bin
    R.P.G. owners can update to the latest "savelist.bin" via Wi-Fi by selecting the "savelist.bin" button in the Wi-Fi Update options window

    Updating Wi-Fi Plugin
    Users can update the Wi-Fi plugin itself. The actual plugin is updated often to fix known issues. A manual install of the most recent plugin may be required in order to use this feature, depending on the version number of your AKAIO install. The most current install of AKAIO includes an updated Wi-Fi plugin. Users can search the loader database for 3 or 5 matching files going back 15 days by adjusting the "Previous Files" option.

    Get What's New Text
    Enabling the "Get What's New" feature of the Wi-Fi updater will allow you to see developer's comments before deciding to update.

    Previous Files
    This section allows the user to search for 3 or 5 matching files going back 15 days. The options are No, 3, or 5. The option of 3 will query the server for Wi-Fi plugin or Loader updates going back 15 days. If 3 matches are found the user will be presented with options on which to download and install. This feature can be used when it is deemed necessary to load a previous version.


    Got the information from WikiTemp
  9. SuprJoinT

    SuprJoinT Member

    Thank you brother, I have been so busy playing games I never even really checked all those cool features out. Thanks again!
  10. Chris2k9

    Chris2k9 Active Member

    No problem! :D
  11. padfoot

    padfoot Well-Known Member

    Yeah no doubt. I'd played around with this as i randomly came across it the other day. Thanks for the in depth explanation. ;)