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Looking to buy a flash cart

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by casper1910, May 27, 2010.

  1. casper1910

    casper1910 Well-Known Member

    At the moment i'm looking to buy a DSi and if I do get one I want to use a flash cart on it.

    I'm a real noob when it comes to flash carts at the moment, but my understanding is a flash cart is used to upload roms to your NDS for play.

    So what i'm woundering is:

    1) What is the best flash cart to get? Money isn't much of an issue.. I just want the best one heheh

    2) Can some one tell me what a flash cart consists of and how it is used with the NDS? (just to get a better understanding)

    3) And finally the best and the most reliable place online to purchase the best flash cart.

    Any help would be much appreaciated thanks ;)
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    The acekard 2.i is the best, works on all ds models.

    What most, if not all come with, is just the cart and maybe an SD memoery card adapter, the firmware must be downloaded from the site.


    More info there.

    Where to buy I wouldn't know.

    Also before any noobs post anything bad, read THIS link, please.

  3. casper1910

    casper1910 Well-Known Member

    Ok have read that link and will be sure to stay clear of ALL those ones! Heheh

    I would like to buy the flash cart with an SD memory card too if that is at all possible as well.
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Some sites do deals like that, personally I can find SD cards for $20 AUD easily, sure they are only 2gb but it's all normal people need.

    I do hope someone comes along and gives a trust worthy address, if you were in Australia I'd give you a good place to buy from but NO idea if they ship overseas.
  5. casper1910

    casper1910 Well-Known Member

    Yea I do live in Australia so that's worked out well heheh where do u buy from??

    Yea I think I might just buy a micro SD from a shop or something actually
  6. casper1910

    casper1910 Well-Known Member

    Do you need to have your DSi flashed for 2i? Or can you just put in the flash cart and off you go??
  7. linkfan551

    linkfan551 Well-Known Member

    Depends on the card, and your DSi's firmware. If your DSi is firmware 1.4, it will need to be updated to work on it, which some cards require you to have a 1.3 DSi or a DSlite/phat to do so.

    Acekard 2i needs a 1.3DSi or DSL/Phat to update for 1.4 use.
    Also, the M3i Zero may be on that list, but I have had NO problems whatsoever with it, so I don't know why it's on there. It's 1.4 compatible, with no 1.3 DSi needed, all you need is the F_CORE.dat file and the included USB cable. It's still updated, by the M3 Team, which manage the M3DS Real/ M3i Zero/ R4i RTS / R4i SDHC. Build quality is a little...eehhhhh.. though.

    It's all up to you though.
    the AK2i is a budget card, with no frills of sorts like RTS/RTG, etc. It's official support is almost non-existent, it lives off of normmatt and akAIO.
    The M3i has RTS/RTG, but it's interface of the in-game menu is basic. It's main firmwares are M3 Sakura and TouchPod. TouchPod gets updated faster than Sakura, but it's interface is clunky.

    http://www.shoptemp.com is a good place to buy. Know that they do not use PayPal.
  8. casper1910

    casper1910 Well-Known Member

  9. linkfan551

    linkfan551 Well-Known Member

    I have that one as well.

    I love it so far. However since it is new, it is a bit buggy, and all the features are not introduced yet.
    There is no SNES emulation or AP bypass yet, and the ingame menu sometimes will not function correctly.
    It will also overwrite any save below 512KB.

    Otherwise, a good cart, but the price is a bit high for what is there currently.