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Looking For Some Programmers

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TAYLOR2O, Jan 22, 2010.


    TAYLOR2O Well-Known Member

    My name is Taylor, I am a major fan of RomUlation and I am also a website creator myself. But seeing as I know only a small amount of scripting, I am looking for some scripting programmers. If you are interested in being a scriptwriter for my website, please visit:


    I could really use some help, that would be great, thanks! By the way, this site is totally awesome, I go here every time I get a rom! Thanks to Seph, this website exists, thanks to Seph, my website has started, thanks to the help that Seph gave!
  2. DRP

    DRP Member

    If you want to start with programming start with java scince its the easiest to use

    TAYLOR2O Well-Known Member

    Yes, I know a lot about Java-scripting, what I need is people to work on the website that I have started, that means CSS and PHP, not so much Java.
  4. DRP

    DRP Member

    sorry but i cant help im not good with programming but i have been interested in doing it but im more of a hardware guy and hacking

    TAYLOR2O Well-Known Member

    That's ok, are you good at graphics design?
  6. DRP

    DRP Member

    nope not with graphics

    TAYLOR2O Well-Known Member

  8. DRP

    DRP Member

    just curious what are you going to have on your site because i may sign up to it once you get it made and good luck
  9. Perhaps i can help :) Im a website designer in real life and know a lot oh CSS and java :) My weakest point would have to be graphics design though. If you require proof of my work, just pm me :)
  10. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    JavaScript isn't a programming language. Nor is CSS. Or HTML.
  11. Yes, im aware of that. But on his website, those were some of the requirements for the job ;)
  12. TAYLOR2O

    TAYLOR2O Well-Known Member

    Ok, Black_Knight_666, if your interested, please e-mail me like the site says! I need people like you!

    And DRP, my website will allow you to download, mp3's, possibly avi/wmv and maybe one day, if there are enough people on the site (maybe in a few years) we might do emulators! that way we can co-exist with RomUlation without taking away from them. They are the roms we are the emulators!

    TC'AL'FE'NE also creates videos, for an example or our videos go to: http://www.youtube.com/user/TAYLOR2O
    For our video ideas go to: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?v=app_2373072738&ref=mf&gid=156446315777#/topic.php?uid=156446315777&topic=11715

    Please help me out here, one person can start a website, but one person can't run it forever! That's why I need you!
  13. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you need to work out what you need. Javascript will get you nowhere. Nor will java.
  14. i emailed you.
  15. TAYLOR2O

    TAYLOR2O Well-Known Member

    Yes, I'm looking for CSS and PHP
  16. gx280

    gx280 Guest

    ahh yer. I know some html but like not anything to good.
  17. TAYLOR2O

    TAYLOR2O Well-Known Member

    You have a choice, which would you prefer?

    - CSS Scripter
    - PHP scripter
    - Graphics Designer

    CSS Scripter:
    links and functions

    PHP Scripter:
    Login, downloads & forums

    Graphics Designer:
    Logo design, page layout and look

    Post Merge: [time]1264159694[/time]
    I'd also like to add that I will be doing this on a few websites, the opening for RomUlation users will be from today until the 30th. One position has already been taken, only two remain. I really hope my other two scriptwriters come from RomUlation!

    Just so you know, Black_Knight_666 is the PHP & CSS scripter.

    But I still need another PHP scripter & a graphics designer. After these people have been chosen, I would then like to pick five people to be forum moderators, I handle e-mails myself, but I will also be on the lookout for one more job position, a position so big, it will require 25-30 people, but that won't be for a while, yes, I need uploaders, and yes, uploaders become moderators, but scriptwriters become admins.

    The very best of luck to all applicants!
    Post Merge: [time]1264229364[/time]
    Also, I'd like to change a fact, I don't need forum moderators, 10 uploaders become moderators!