i have pokemon white and would like to gain more people in the white forest but to do that i need friends who have pokemon black and visit there black city. any up takers? if u add me and would like to do this and gain more people in your black city leave your friend code if u add me i am on all the time FC: 4083-9500-3530
my friend code is 1378-1963-0617 i have pokemon white i also need poeple to visit my white forset i just got there yesterday
If you just want the goodies, and not have to go through having to gather people's friend codes, the built in AR feature on either a flashcart or emulator can unlock all of the trainers/pokemon for Black or White City. I believe there's 3 variations or sets.
hey just got the game beat it and now looking for battle's and trades Name:Jake FC:081986069976 always one please add and also Email me telling me you added me will be one tonight see yaa soon dont be shy
I like to make hew friends when I can and I go to the city but have sometimes no luck name is abbigal tc:1421 1901 7621