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Looking for game

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Lizz0784, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. Lizz0784

    Lizz0784 Well-Known Member

    I'm trying to remember the name of a game I used to play. I believe it's for snes. Pretty sure it is. It's an rpg. All I remember is that your a guy and you get some sort of pets. There's an angel looking one. A dog one. Some kind of mop looking guy. Does anyone know what this game is? At first I thought it was Lufia =/

    You feed your pets certain things (don't remember what) and they level up kind of. When they level they change forms and get stronger. Like the angel doesn't really look like an angel till he levels up high enough.
  2. rock91

    rock91 Well-Known Member

    reminds me of Digimon World :p ....

    but it's actually Lufia II

    I quote from a web page:
    "The phoenix is one of the leveled up pets you can get during the game. They eat items to evolve into different forms which added a neat aspect to the game play. While you cannot directly control these characters they do attack on their own each turn."

    is that it??
  3. Lizz0784

    Lizz0784 Well-Known Member

    I thought it was Lufia 1! I searched a lot and out of all the pictures I saw none showed the monsters =D!!! I've had Lufia 2 all this time too Hehe