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lookin for a code to remove lunar wing from pokemon platinum

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by xsilentxslayer6x, May 3, 2009.

  1. i used a code to get all key items but it gave me the lunar wing now i cant get a pokemon does anymore know a cheat to get removfe key items thanks

  2. jueru

    jueru New Member

    Maybe you could use Pokesav to get rid of it? I know it can add items.
  3. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    yes Pokesav can remove key items, i just checked. funny, i've never heard of the item Lunar Wing. Could be a Beta item like the red shackles (whatever they're called) in Diamond/Pearl?
  4. shadow 26

    shadow 26 Well-Known Member

    first: yeah I had the same problem, and yeah I wasn't`t able of getting darkrai or creselia so yeah, I used pokesave to remove the lunar wing and it worked

    second: lunar wing is a key item that a sailor ask you to get to wake up his son, a creselia give it to you you use it on the kid and then is useless but if you don`t wake up the kid you can`t catch darkrai or creselia ether.
  5. but its a regular game game not r4 my gf wanted to know
  6. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    a regular game? then to have used a cheat code on it you MUST have used like Action Replay right? if so, you can still use Pokesav to remove the item, granted it's a LOT more confusing

    (i think this should work, since i did something similar for someone else recently)

    1. Open up Pokesav, and go to "Key Items" near the bottom left corner, hit EDIT
    2. i'm uncertain as to what really goes on here, but the safest way is to "give" yourself 1 of every item you ALREADY HAVE, except the Lunar Wing item of course, since you want to destroy that. do NOT give yourself something you have not yet received or it may screw with the storyline/cheat detection
    ------process is: select a blank slot, choose an item from the dropbox, set "pieces" to 1, and hit MODIFY. do for each KEY ITEM you have

    3. alright you have that set. now hit OK to exit the KEY ITEMS editor. on the top left corner, is a bunch of options, hit "EXPORT ARDS CODE" you will be given a big list of things to check off. since we only need to change KEY ITEMS, find that and hit the checkbox, the activation instructions are written at the top of that page. hit "SAVE XML", you will be prompted to save an XML file. save it, open that, and there's your cheat that should completely change your KEY ITEMS slot to whatever changes you made here. now just take its code, put it into the Action Replay, and follow whatever procedure it makes you do to work it (i don't own an Action Replay so i can't help you on that one)

    if you are not clear as to the instructions i will upload some screenshots of how to get it to work (there is a basic tutorial in the TUTORIALS section of the forums, by the way)
  7. thanks ill look into it