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Loading rom error - 1

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by sonya.max, Jul 29, 2011.

  1. sonya.max

    sonya.max New Member

    Hi all!

    I have NDSi with 1.4E os and R4i gold with 1.5.1b kernel

    The Ndsi had about 60 games on the card and previous version of kernel, everything was working just fine! Until few days ago I have installed Lego Batman, after that it was only able to play Lego Batman and was getting loading rom error - 1 for the rest of the games.
    Before installing the Lego Batman game, I copied all files from card on to pc. I tried formatting card(using Win tool and SDformatter) and putting back up files back on the card, same, I was getting loading rom error -1 on all games.

    I got the newest kernel, but was getting the damn loading rom error - 1.
    The only way I get it kind of work is installing only one game, it seems to be that it doesn't matter what game it is, I tried about 10 different games. If I'm adding another game, then first recorded game is working, but Im getting loading error - 1 for others..

    I tried to insert the r4i gold card in to different NDSi with same os, but with back up files (before installing LEGO Batman game) on the card. It worked ! I thought the problem is with NDSi it self, but after powering on that second NDSi again I still get that error on alllll games..

    Also tried using different micro sd card and the problem stays there...

    What am I missing or doing wrong??
    The NDSi belongs to my friends child and I desperately need help!

    Post Merge: [time]1311930411[/time]

    Problem solved so easy!

    Just needed to set date on dsi for 2010!