Someone made a comment in another thread about giving food to poor countries instead of wasting it. I was about to comment on it but did not want to derail the thread horribly. There's a number of countries that are basically living beyond the capacity their ecosystem can provide. The result is a lot of poverty, starvation, and just a terrible quality of life all around. Our solution, (countries that do produce excess) is to give them donations of money for food. I'm sure you've seen the commercial, sponsor so and so for this much a day. Sure this seems to work in the short term and make us all feel so much better because we've fed starving children for a day or two. My thought is is that we're just more or less treating a symptom of a larger problem. We're artificially raising that growth cap for them so they keep having way more children than they could possibly hope to support. This is all going to come crashing down very soon if it hasn't so already. Sure, we all feel like we're doing the right thing by throwing money at the problem but that's just the easy way to do it and to appease our conscience. Before I throw in my two sense, what do the rest of you think?
The money doesn't just go towards food, just before this gets started. A lot of agencies are using the funds to set up sustainable communities and help improve living conditions. That said, throwing food at people is stupid as fuck.
hmm... sorry i was about to enter my post when i saw 'poor countries'. i thought i can consider war too.
someday there will be a utopia, where everyone will be at peace... and we will all suffer until humanity ends