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limit for topics

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Duncan Idaho, Jan 31, 2010.

  1. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    first sorry if this is not the adequate format, im new to this section.

    second im proposing a 30 page limit per topic in order to reduce the quantity of trouble for users, as several people have seen they complain that the topics are way too long, giving it a 30 page limit should help to keep things in order specially with popular games that have AP, and for those cases the first poster must be in the obligation to copy paste the contents of the first post and update it, also to keep track add a number to give an idea of how many topics have gone, and finally a link to all previous topics.
  2. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    No. Because I'd rather have 100 pages of garbage than 30 topics due to them filling up.
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    That and it might need page 31 until the real straight forward answer comes along ::)

    Unfortunatly, we'd just have to trawl thru topics, lucky for me I don't bother with AP games, if I do it's long after a fix is established.
  4. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    of course this must be all along with strict spam policies and for gods sake stick the AP topics, doing this neoseeker has magnaged to keep their forums in nice shape, and how i know that? im a member of neoseeker, im using the same username there.
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    What I'd rather suggest with topics on AP is just to encourage user's to post the correct answers, once found, at the beginning of the topic (ether mod edit or user's discuss editing the first post).

    The rest of the space can be for the noobs to ask for help.

    Strict spam policies...alot of members would be killed off (prehaps even me) because we do tend to go off topic, that and most people ignore minor spam which makes the bulk of a few topics, with replies like "yeah" that quote the above post.

    Of course this is just the opinion of a regular here.
  6. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    and by strict spam policies i meaning that its allowed up to a certain rate, but not thats the whole thread, if some ask i have a problem ask X AP game in X card 1 question is more than in off, not 111 pages saying the same thing over and over!, and stck those topic is in this suggestion, they tend to lose with the large quantity of topics around the technical help section
  7. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    I'm not going to sticky every AP thread, there'd be two dozen stickies up there.
    The Common Issues thread and the compiled Anti-Piracy thread, plus the "flavor of the week" AP thread is plenty.

    As is, once the AP is solved, the majority of the AP threads are pointless beyond the first few pages, everything after that is just people asking the same questions over and over (How do I make it work!). It just gives people a place to spam their questions without reading, like they do anyway.

    We do have strict spam and duplicate topic policies. The moderators here are constantly directing people towards the proper topics, locking repeats, etc. There is honestly no reason to limit the number of posts in a topic. Especially if we want people to stick to a single topic.
  8. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    but in exchange of not having a limit the thread becomes useless, nobody is gonna read 111 pages.

    why not stciking and closing a AP thread that has all the info and a diferent one for the questions, or simply, once there is a fix, close it stick a new one with the fix + the instructions, and thats all, and as far as i have seen yes there is a dozen or so of AP'ed games, to be efficient as the roman people were, lets make it for the game in specific, example:

    The legend of zelda spirit tracks rom has AP for the U E and J, the idea is simple, make a thread that wraps all the fixes for all 3 versions, like afrokid and Jhon tutorials about YSmenu, they have the info on the first page, lock them like the AP topic, or even better, post the AP fixes in the AP topic.
  9. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member


    Seriously, how much more do you want? The main topics already get info compiled in the first post. The main topics get links in a sticky topic making them easier to find. Many games with AP coming out even include patches in the download.

    If nobody is going to read 111 pages, why do you care that they are there :)