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Let's talk about Women...

Discussion in 'Debates' started by Cahos Rahne Veloza, Oct 25, 2008.

  1. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    First of, I'm sorry to disappoint you guys (men) of RomUlation, this isn't that kind of discussion. This is about how we should treat & think of women.

    So, in this current age we now see men & women as equals, or so says the the law. But do we really see women as our equals? Or is this male chauvenistic society still dominating women?

    It may come as a surprise to most of you when I say that, despite being a man, I'm a feminist, I believe in & support the women's fight for recognition & respect. Having raised mostly by female relatives, my mom, my Godmother, my deceased grandmom & being the son of an ungreatful oaf I was moulded more towards respecting women & hating the "stereotype" emotionless man of yore. I have seen how women can be even stronger than any man by convictions, actions & principles.

    Women aren't just curvacious entities that men can own like things you buy at a store, although some women do take advantage of this & if she plays a mean hand, can cause a man's down fall.

    However, women too often cross the boundary & use the old male's point of view (that women are weak) to their advantage. Say for example on a crowded bus or train, a woman can use the "Oh I'm just a woman, I can't stand for a long time could you give me a seat" routine to have her way & get seated. Or the, "Oooh! I can't do this because I'm weak" routine to have men do jobs that are for men originally like changing a flat tire or plumbing jobs.

    Also, that "beauty over brawns " thing is also annoying, I hate 90% of women caring more about their looks & making such excuses as "I'll break my nails if I did that" or" Eeew as if that's gonna happen" routines as that's demeaning the equal opportunity rights deal they're fighting for. I'm not saying that my mom was an ugly hag or anything like that, that's why she never cared for her looks & did anything she's asked of, she was extremely gorgeous, she used to have silky white skin, & flowing hair when she was younger, but she knew that there is a time for everything & acts accordingly. That's why a lot of people respected her, she was beautiful as a flower, but can be as tough as nails if the need arises, not unlike my bastard father who thinks he owns everything whenever he's around :p

    So, how do you guys see women? Oh & RomUlation lady members please voice your thoughts as well as I dedicate this thread to you :)
  2. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    There are still some things that men are generally better at, and there are some things that women are generally better at. Women are generally neater/ tidier than men, for example. But there are also stereotypical notions about women compared with men, and this is what I don't agree with, such as men being smarter at some subjects, women being weaker than men, etc.
    I see women as my equals, although there are things that make each the way they are. For example, with my girlfriend, we try to treat each other fairly, and be as least gender-biased as we can. Rather than. of course, play out the traditional roles of how men and women are supposed to be. (*cough*except for sex*cough*)
  3. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Indeed, when it comes to "that" we are both equal & different at the same time...

    And what's more, media, society & even culture keeps things from changing. I couldn't believe it when I saw on the news that the Japanese still cling to the men/women roles in their society even though they're pretty much progressed & have been slightly westernized. I was shocked that Japanese men still feel that women should still be just taking care of the house & kids, now their country's experiencing a lack in man power & have to rely on foreign workers to fill the gap, just because they still see women as weaklings or something to get their juices running :(
  4. elk1007

    elk1007 Well-Known Member

    Attributing generalities to men and women is sexism even if the generalization is often true.

    Let's say (hypothetically) that women are generally better at making pie and men are generally better at making cake.
    An employer needs a pie maker.
    It's generally accepted that woman make better pies, so the employer picks the woman over the man.
    But let's say that the individual man applying for the job actually makes better pies than the woman who got the job.

    By creating 'groups' of things, we place our labels upon them even though the labels can be false.
    Sexism, Racism, etc, will always exist because humans are intrinsically geared to group things for simplistic processing.

    To overcome these things, we must understand our innate bias' toward grouping systems.
  5. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Equal is not the same as being the same. Treating women the same as men is ridiculous, they're not the same. The strongest man is always going to be stronger than the strongest woman, the best woman linguist is always going to be better than the best male linguist, etc.
    Personally, where I come from women currently have better rights than men. It's gotten to the point that I think I should be fighting for men's rights! For instance. When I got my driver's license it was going to cost me 2,000 euros a year for third party on a 900cc engine, whereas, if I had been female it'd have cost me around 500 euros. It's similar when I was looking for work, I went around with a female friend of mine, she got offered a job in every place we went to, I got offered two out of the twenty or so places. Also I notice when i go to cross the road, I'll have to wait for a gap in the traffic ( there aren't too many pedestrian crossings over here ), but when I'm with a girl, the cars will stop for her 90% of the time.
    Basically, I don't believe women are half as discriminated against as they'd like us to believe. I'm not sure that they ever really were, after all they got their rights to vote, etc. awfully quickly with relativly little work, where I'm from anyway, i understand that in some parts of the world, they still don't have equal rights, perhaps they don't want them though.
  6. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Women are treated better than men. Nuff said.
  7. DevilDinah

    DevilDinah Well-Known Member

    true in real life, and virtual life

    which bring up the question:

    will gender equality be a favor to men, or women?
  8. dmac154

    dmac154 Well-Known Member

    In some countries, women are still treated unfairly, like those of Korea and Japan. But for the most part, I think the rest of the world does a general good job of treating women fairly. I like women. I believe they should always be treated the same as men, but there are something we men are supposed to do for them, like being chivalrous (opening doors, giving up seats) those kinds of things. Call me medieval or whatever, but men are morally bound to do these things. It's supposed to be in our innate nature.

    Furthermore, I do see the stereotypical male-female roles play out everyday. Ex. women wash dishes, clothes, clean house. And the men go to work and come home to do nothing. I believe this should not occur at any time, and that men should do a little chores every now and then to show that he care about his woman. On the other hand, women should also get jobs, so that they don't seem as helpless and can support both themselves and their significant other.
  9. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    In some countries like China, women have a set role to play & venturing off these roles are considered offensive. Just the same for some Islamic countries where they see women as dirty & sleazy, that's why they have to cover their bodies from head to foot. And in some other parts of the world, women aren't even allowed to recieve education. :(
  10. Mishy

    Mishy Well-Known Member

    I, as a woman, mother and partner to a man, believe that woman should be treated fairly. Now, when it comes to things in the work place, I say hire whom is better for the job, be it man or woman. I do believe a man should be chivalrous when the time arises. But, even in my mindset, I don't feel like I need a man to do almost every single thing, like throw out the garbage, fix up a crib, fix a computer...things like that aren't that complicated.

    I don't care if I break a nail. I don't care to wear make-up everyday, hell, my boyfriend of almost 5 years, met me without make-up....goes to show you not all men are shallow and prefer a woman that slaps on a war face-paint everyday. ;)
  11. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Good to hear that coming from you Mishy :D
  12. Mishy

    Mishy Well-Known Member

    Your welcome. I'm always true to my word. I just feel, that yes, there are some things that men are better at then woman and vice versa.
  13. Mishy

    Mishy Well-Known Member

    I agree with you but, if you notice in my quote, I said I don't need a man to do everything for me. I don't play the role of "Oh, it's too heavy come do this for me." Not everything in this world, a female can't do. Sometimes, those certain things require you to learn the skill. That's all.

  14. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Too long I have seen the excuse that women are equal to men. I mean, in theory it's a good idea, but in practice? Complete bullshit.

    First of all, I'll take an example from when I was a kid, hell, even as a teenager. I've seen too many guys stepped on and crushed mentally to sympathise with those same girls who can't take a simple insult, or heaven forbid, any unwanted physical contact. Hands up if you've been slapped. What can we do? Jack shit. Slapping a woman = assault. Simple as that.

    Now look at the feminisation of our culture. We can't say 'black', we have to say 'coloured'. We can't say 'fat', we have to say 'larger'. This is not a male thought. We say things the way WE see them. Dressing up ideas like this is a female trait. We've gone too far into political correctness for it to be coincidence - it's had parallel growth with women's 'rights', or to be more accurate, their acceptance into mainstream society.

    Feel free to call me out on these, but they're true and you know it. If they want equality, they should be prepared to take ALL of it. Don't fucking pick and choose.
  15. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Damn right.
  16. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    As I said, equal rights doesn't always apply everywhere, there are still some places where women are treated as just objects for men to desire, or are only suited to do lenial tasks or to stay at home. There are still some countries where domestic violence where men physically & mentally attack women is occuring & such events are shoved behind closed doors, often the bastard men saying that anything that happens within the confines of the home is not for others to pry into, or that his wife is his property & he can do whatever shit he wishes with her.

    Yes, in progressive countries the saying goes, that equal rights, equal fights, but in some other countries it's men fights with everything they've got & women fights with her arms & feet tied down & her mouth gagged up. You never get to hear these things for two reasons, one as I said, it's always not discussed & two, often times male chauvenists would say, "its only some dispute from a woman". The mere fact of saying "only a woman" is in itself an act of descrimination.
  17. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    We're each entitled to our opinions. Mine is that women are not dominated, but rather dominate our society, and this answers the initial question in this topic.

    There are institutions to stop this kind of thing, not to mention it's a crime to do so under our laws of equal rights. One wonders why this is always kept behind 'closed doors' as you put it.

    That's not our society though, which is the main focus of this topic.

    Maybe. Chalk that up against the discriminations against men every day that you don't see.
  18. ultra

    ultra Guest

    women and science can make that a possibility.

    for one, women have eggs. if all the male population died, women would still trive as clones. but if all the women died, men would thrive, but not as humans but as something else. remember, when you clone you need the same base type [human to human, horse to horse, etc....]. since women aren't around, that means no human eggs. the alternative is to use animal eggs and splice them. by doing that, you end up possibly mixing genes or performing other results.

    second, women don't rely on a mans strength anymore. with advance cybernetics, they can use those robot arms to enhance their physicallity. you've seen it on the news where scientists and engineers are trying to build an attachment or so where it will allow people to become stronger.

    what about reasons based on religion?! would that be just or not. as mentioned before, there are places out there that have not changed their rules and policies on womens treatment since the dawn of man.

    yes i agree, equal rights means equal fights. i believe it will one day be reversed on the roles of sex. right now it's dominated by men, but one day it'll end up reverse. the population of men are at a decline, it's not that men are dying but rather the chances of giving birth to a boy is lower then that to a girl. we'll see more women in the battlefield, more women performing men work, etc.... men may end up as a sacred being only to be used for providing "seeds". i could imagine it now, an island like that in lost or jurassic park where only men live and gets monitored by female scientists to maintain the male population.
  19. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    The reason for the decline in male births is because the earlier a child is concieved, the more likely it is to be a boy as men used to be important early on in the tribe, the later in the mother's life that the child is conceived, the more likely it is to be a girl. And even if all the women died off tomorrow, men could just use the female eggs that are in storage to create clones.
  20. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Wrong. It is not the egg that determines the baby's sex, therefore the mother does not have anything to do with it.

    Sperm have a 50/50 chance of carrying either an X chromosome or a Y chromosome. Eggs carry X chromosomes 100% of the time Therefore there is roughly a 50% chance of either sex being conceived at any point between puberty and menopause. Honestly, this is stuff you should learn at 13. There is no evidence whatsoever on the matter of declining male birth rates because it is not happening.

    I find it saddening when you cannot speak out against the feminisation of society for fear of being labelled 'sexist'. Why is there even a stigma about thinking, or even knowing, that women have pushed too far and too hard?