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Lets talk about " The Magic "

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ADGS231, Jul 5, 2009.

  1. ADGS231

    ADGS231 Well-Known Member

    What can you say us about "The Magic" like you see there are 5 types of magic, here you can see cool things about the magic and learn much about it with post of the users.

    Type of magics:

    Blue Magic: Mage of the aqua.

    Green Magic: Mage of the forest.

    Red Magic: Mage of the fire.

    White Magic: Mage of the light.

    Dark Magic: Mage of the Dark.

    This 5 types have a meaning, all of you now all of this magic types have a meaning.

    I just can say about the magic that i never have see it, but i always look it about games and movies, i see it from one movie that i like to much and is Star Wars, they use magic there, but if you ask what type of magic they use there, i think the magic that they use there is :

    Light Magic = This Magic is with Forest and Aqua, they are together.
    Dark Magic This Magic is with Fire, they are together.

    In this movie that how it looks, but if we see other movies and games they use differents magics all of them, but totally, they all together.

    What can you say about magic?

    - Tell us about what youre think of the magic and some movies that have magic.

    - If you dont now nothing about the magic just search it in google but dont go off topic, i just whant to put you to post about the magic and what you think.

    Lets Talk About the magic!
  2. aaaaaaa7

    aaaaaaa7 Well-Known Member

    Oh Yes Sir!
  3. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Everyone knows Blue Mages control time and Red Mages are hybrid White/Black Mages with the ability to dual-wield.

    What the hell have you been smoking?
  4. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    The magical element of fire was created by the alien master race called Xenufir. One day the God King Xino was working on a grand invention involving the mix of semen and the planet core excrement's. During one such mix, something happened as he gobbled it down for the hundredth time and he noticed he could snap his fingers and fire would form on a random child's hair within his field of view.

    One day the God King decided to hold a grand ceremony in the excitement of his grand discovery. During the grand ceremony which would later be called "The Grand Ceremony." He demonstrated his new found powers upon a young Xenunite that was of dark complexion, as nobody cared for the ones of the dark. As the child's hair lit aflame, the crowd roared with such delight that the God King decided to pass off his knowledge to the rest of the people. The Dark Ones were extinct three hours later.

    As the day was winding down a spaceship came from the skies and fired its laser beams into the skies creating black holes which the spaceship probably regretted as it was sucked directly into it and crushed into oblivion, but this left the Xenunites with a terrible new task to hurdle, the giant black hole in the sky which would later be called "The Giant Black Hole In The Sky." As the people scrambled to their God King for help, the King looked into the sky with a very serious look on his face, he knew what he must do. So he looked onto the crowd and gave a grand speech to his people, which would later be called "The Grand Speech." The people then began to all crowd together to form a giant pyramid of Xenunites. The God King looked upon the crowd and then shouted, "AUaAUAUAUuauaU" and snapped his fingers.

    The entire crowd burst into flames and created a great anti-black-hole, which would later be called "The Great Anti-Black Hole." As the massive new unstoppable force approached the immovable object, the universe itself began to shake. And as they collided, the planet vaporized in the indestructible force that was created from the collision of the indestructible forces. And then as the entire galaxy started to fall apart from the devastation and I looked at my kingdom I was finally there to sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel Air.
  5. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks


    When I saw this topic the nympho in me said sex.

    That nympho inside me is sorely disappointed.
  6. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    The magic in sex is only present when the girl has had massive amounts of an intoxicant beforehand. Man, I just love how they pass out when I'm doing them in the butt.
  7. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I think you're having trouble differentiating between 'passing out' and 'falling asleep from mass amounts of unsatisfaction'.
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...ok, THAT is a bit much thare matey...

    I guess if I were a mage (being ON TOPIC) I'd be of the dark, don't ask why, I just am...

    Nothing can explain the darkness, because it can't be so easily seen...like the sith in star wars I suppose...am I right?
  9. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    ok i remade the entire post enjoy
  10. kamuikurou

    kamuikurou Well-Known Member

    Are you refering to Magic: The Gathering? (www.wizards.com/magic). Your description kinda similar...

    From wikipedia:
    Magic: The Gathering (colloquially "Magic", "MTG", or "Magic Cards") is a collectible card game created by mathematics professor Richard Garfield and introduced in 1993 by Wizards of the Coast. Magic is the first example of the modern collectible card game genre and still thrives today, with an estimated six million players in over seventy countries. Magic can be played by two or more players each using a deck of printed cards or a deck of virtual cards through the Internet-based Magic: The Gathering Online or third-party programs.

    Each game represents a battle between powerful wizards, known as "planeswalkers", who use the magical spells, items, and fantastic creatures depicted on individual Magic cards to defeat their opponents. Although the original concept of the game drew heavily from the motifs of traditional fantasy role-playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons, the gameplay of Magic bears little resemblance to pencil-and-paper adventure games, while having substantially more cards and more complex rules than many other card games.

    An organized tournament system and a community of professional Magic players has developed, as has a secondary market for Magic cards. Magic cards can be valuable due to not only their scarcity, but also their utility in game play and the aesthetic qualities of their artwork.

    Colors of Magic

    Most spells come in one of five colors. The colors can be seen on the back of the cards, in a pentagonal design, called the "Color Wheel". Clockwise from the top, they are: white, blue, black, red, and green (respectively abbreviated W, U, B, R, and G). To play a spell of a given color, at least one mana of that color is required. This mana is normally generated by a basic land: plains for white, island for blue, swamp for black, mountain for red, and forest for green. The balances and distinctions between the five colors form one of the defining aspects of the game. Each color has strengths and weaknesses based on the "style" of magic it represents.

    White is the color of order, equality, righteousness, healing, law, community, peace, absolutism/totalitarianism, and light, although not necessarily "good". White's strengths are a roster of small creatures that are strong if used together in groups; protecting those creatures with enchantments; gaining life; preventing damage to creatures or players; imposing restrictions on players; destroying artifacts and enchantments; and the ability to "equalize" the playing field.

    Blue is the color of intellect, reason, illusion, logic, knowledge, manipulation, and trickery, as well as the classical elements of air and water. Blue's cards are best at letting a player draw additional cards; permanently taking control of an opponent's cards; returning cards to their owner's hands; putting cards from an opponent's library into their graveyard (known unofficially as "milling", after the first card that did this, Millstone); and countering spells.

    Black is the color of power, ambition, greed, death, corruption, and amorality, although not necessarily "evil". Black cards are best at destroying creatures, forcing players to discard cards from their hand, and returning creatures from the dead. Furthermore, because Black seeks to win at all costs, it has limited access to many abilities or effects that are normally available only to one of the other colors; but these abilities are disproportionately expensive, often requiring the sacrifice of life, creatures, or other resources.

    Red is the color of freedom, chaos, passion, creativity, impulse, fury, warfare, lightning, the classical element of fire, and the non-living geological aspects of the classical element earth. Red's strengths include destroying opposing lands and artifacts, sacrificing permanent resources for temporary but great power, and playing spells that deal damage to creatures or players. Red has a wide array of creatures, but with the exception of the extremely powerful dragons, most of them are fast and weak, or unbalanced with strong power and weak toughness, rendering them more easily destroyed. Some of Red's cards can turn against or hurt their owner in return for being more powerful for their cost.

    Green is the color of life, instinct, nature, reality, evolution, ecology and interdependence. Green has a large number of creatures, which tend to be the largest in the game for their cost. Many of its spells make them stronger temporarily. It can also destroy artifacts and enchantments, increase a player's life total, get extra mana sources into play, and produce the other four colors of mana. Green creatures often have "Trample," an ability which lets them deal attack damage to an opponent if blocked by a weaker creature.

    read more : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_the_gathering
  11. ADGS231

    ADGS231 Well-Known Member

    Yes Kamui thanks for that, i was looking for that but i dont find it thx =D
  12. kamuikurou

    kamuikurou Well-Known Member

    Your welcome! They just released their recent game in XBOX (http://www.gamefaqs.com/xbox360/console/home/956484.html). Their games aimed more to adult gamers, so I'll be thrilled to see their games in NDS, but that most likely won't happen >_<.

    As for myself, I play white creature swarm decks mostly.
  13. PsiRedEye22

    PsiRedEye22 Member

    Mono white decks need to have a good balance of combat cancelling instants if you're going to make a creature swarm deck.
  14. kamuikurou

    kamuikurou Well-Known Member

    Yeah. Some players go that way but I'd rather focus on early winning, mostly about pumping your creatures high plus some removal to whatever stand in your way.
  15. ADGS231

    ADGS231 Well-Known Member

    Kamu, i have been see in you posting alot of magic, you are amazing learning this things, i think you read a lot of books of this....
  16. kamuikurou

    kamuikurou Well-Known Member

    o_O Not really... I just play the game and learn from the pros.
    Well, guess I do read some articles on their official websites. As for the long post thingy it's just a copy-paste from wiki - I only skimmed it tho =P

    Magic is a really nice Trading Card Game, highly recommended for those who enjoyed YuGiOh & Pokemon TCG and want to do some step-up in terms of strategy & complexity.
  17. ADGS231

    ADGS231 Well-Known Member

    I play yugioh and pokemon, so maybe can be for help for me =D...
  18. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    So this is not some sexual innuendo in the intent of teaching the PG13 part of the forum the important stuff so we can post porn?
    I sir got disappointed

    Besides, everybody knows you can't use magic but you have it, ask Loony :p
  19. Void

    Void Well-Known Member


    Fuck yeah check out the wings on this bitch. And she's got 4/6 something or another and 6 + 3 white stars.
  20. kamuikurou

    kamuikurou Well-Known Member

    ^^Well void nice job finding a card there.
    The card above can be texted like this:

    Reya Dawnbringer 6WWW
    Legendary Creature - Angel (Tenth Edition Rare)

    At the beginning of your upkeep, you may return target creature card from your graveyard to play.

    You have not died until I consent.

    the explanation:
    Reya Dawnbringer - As you have guessed, it's the card name.

    6WWW - W stands for white mana, symbolized with the sun. And 6 is colorless mana. Pretty much similar like colorless energy in pokemon. To cast this card you need 9 mana - 6 colorless, and 3 white mana.

    Legendary Creature - Angel - It's the card type, creatures are similar to monsters in YGO. And being legendary, there can't be 2 of the same names in the battlefield.

    (Tenth Edition Rare) - The Gold X shows from which expansion pack this card came and in which rarity.

    Flying - It's an ability keyword. Creatures with flying can't be blocked by creatures without flying.

    At the beginning of your upkeep, you may return target creature card from your graveyard to play. - It is her another ability. Magic has similar fields to YGO, graveyard, battlefield. And yeah, it's a really powerful ability with the right deck.

    (4/6) - It's her power and toughness respectively. She attacks for 4 and can hold damage up to 6 before she died.

    You have not died until I consent. - Just flavor text. No use whatsoever. This one is pretty cool tough.