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Let's Make Fan Fiction Stories Based on RomUlation's Own Universe!

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by Cahos Rahne Veloza, May 2, 2010.


What setting should RomUlation's Universe be set in?

Poll closed May 9, 2010.
  1. Space age Future ala Star wars/Star Trek

    0 vote(s)
  2. Post Apocalyptic Future where man fights Machine

    0 vote(s)
  3. Land of Knights & Warriors

    0 vote(s)
  4. The Far East! Hiyaa~!!

    0 vote(s)
  5. Others, please specify

    0 vote(s)
  1. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Ever since "The Most Holy Order of LittleKillisms" groupie was set up I started to have crazy ideas. I keep thinking....

    OK, so we have two groupies here, three people considered Gods (seph, loony & Patton), several "mediators" (the moderation staff) who act like oracles or Priests who channel the Gods' Wisdom & a group of regular & premium members who have no allegiance to either group. We have enough resources to create an epic story here! Well, maybe nothing as fancy or well written like The Lord of the Rings or Star Wars, but enough resources to start making Fan Fiction stories set in the RomUlation Universe!

    I mean, wouldn't it be cool to start a whole series of stories with us (RomUlation members) as the characters involved in the adventures?

    If this idea piqued your interests guys feel free to start creating your own stories, but we have to make sure to have a well defined cast of characters. I mean it would be odd if in one story hYpNoS is the leader of the underground resistance force in one story & in the next he licks LittleKill's boots contentedly as LK's slave. We have to establish, rather state what character we will be in the stories.

    But before we get to that, we must first establish what kind of Universe the Land of RomUlation should be.

    Is it set in the far flung future ala Star Wars &/or Star Trek, or worse, ala Matrix or even Terminator standards.

    Or, is it set in medieval Europe set in a land of knights, kings & magic?

    Or maybe it's set in the far east, ala Feudal Japan or Ancient China?

    So before we set out creating stories, let's first choose the stories' setting shall we?

    The Poll is set to run for a week, after which we'll discuss other things that needs to be discussed.

    And yeah, I do plan to write mini stories based on this & I hope others get interested as well :)
  2. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    well obviously i should be a god or a world leader or something equally important, just because im the first to ask :)
  3. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    I think we should have it based on the internet :)
  4. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Sorry, but those positions are reserved for the site Admins, that's why they're Gods, they can do anything with the universe (database) if so they wish.

    What do you mean?

    Kinda like Megaman Battle Networks or The Matrix's programming? Or kinda like How Reboot & Tron were like?
  5. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    aw that sucks i dont wanna be somebodys slave. How about something that fits my real life?
  6. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    I mean, like... we could have it on an internet setting... like you know? Actually I don't know, but Megaman Battle Networks sounds close enough. I haven't been on in ages :S
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    'the nameless mod' is a FPS/stealth/rpg game based around an internet forum. its a total conversion mod for deus ex, and its pretty good.
  8. H_Delta101

    H_Delta101 Well-Known Member

    Megaman Battle Networks is ok by me.It sound interesting,but i would prefer megaman star force.
  9. cuccio123

    cuccio123 Well-Known Member

    ...Where's my gun?
  10. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    @loony: What's the game's plot? Maybe we can get an idea from it.

    And yeah, my vote goes for the Star Wars/Star Trek theme, simply because I am a fan of both series' Universe.

    @cuccio123: That comes later, we got to first decide which setting the stories are going to be in. I mean, you'd look a bit out of Place if you had a handgun in the far east if that's the setting that was chosen.

    @Everyone else: If you're going to choose "other" as your choice please specify one you'd prefer & not just post random chat.

    @Kamage: You know you made me think for a while & what you said reminded me of two other things:

    1. Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad


    2. Serial Experiments Lain

    And for those two young to know...

    Tron <- These were the days when Disney didn't suck & most of their movies were awesome. And FYI, for you Megaman Battle Networks & Starforce Geeks, Tron is way better than Megaman BN :p

  11. cuccio123

    cuccio123 Well-Known Member

    "Where's my gun?" is a term used when someone means "I"m going to kill myself." or "I'm going to kill whoever came up with this stupid idea".
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    It revolves around forum city, a virtual city in the virtual world of planetdeusex, which is a virtual world for deus ex fans to interact with each other. You play trestkon, a kind of mercenery type guy who is asked to return to the forum after several years absence. Basically, one of the three moderators (who are immortal) has been abducted by an unknown force and you are called upon to investigate. War is breaking out between two religious cults the llamas and the goats, and the moderators are under severe pressure, as it is only possible to ban people when all three moderators agree; therefore with one moderator missing they can't ban. The admin, despot, is completely uncontactable. As the game progresses you find out about a massive corporation called worldcorp, which effectively controls all industry on PDX and is up to something shady. You find out that deus diablo (the abducted moderator) was investigating them prior to his disappearance. there is also a terrorist group named DX0 wrecking havoc on forum city. As the game progresses, you are sent to the ruins of the old forum, deus ex incarnate, to retrieve a fabled weapon, the firestaff, which is the only inanimate object ever to have been imbued with admin powers. while hunting for the firestaff, you meet the ghost of DXI's founder, who tells you that PDX was created when DXI sold out to gamespy, but it was the worst decision of his life, as thousands of innocent members and most of the moderators died in the conversion (dying is basically the same as getting banned). Having retrieved the firestaff, you are able to locate deus diablo and you then have to go and rescue him. In the process you find out that gamespy are also up to something sinister.
  13. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    @loony: Now that's an awesome story right there.

    I hope we can make something like it too.

    As of right now I have an idea for LittleKill's character, he'd be The Joker, Kefka (from Final Fantasy) & Pokey (from Earthbound) roll into one, which would make him an even deadlier villain. That is, if the Holy order wants to be the villains of the stories. But we'll get to that later.


    Then go right on ahead, as if you're being forced to join in the topic discussion.

    EDIT - Addendum:

    I just remembered:

    One of the most elusive Super Mario World Hacks , "Super LUEshi World" was also a result of something like this. If you tried that ROM Hack out, you'd see a lot of internet references were put into it. And one of the earlier versions of it even have text boxes that speak of nuances from SMVCentral's forums chucked in there as well.
  14. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    great one loony.
    and Cahos,post the story here then K?
  15. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    European Medieval

    Also, i think my guys should be the villains, have you seen how they act? obviously insane
  16. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    @ LK: Are you sure you're fine with that?

    Anyway, instead of being a a deviously vile villain I think you're better off as an anti-hero or at least a leader with a noble cause but you resort to drastic measures to get the job done.
  17. dupasuka

    dupasuka Well-Known Member

    Lord Reider would make an better God than Patton(srs , who the hell is he?)
  18. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Patton is the guy that provides the servers and gets us the cheap deals on premium bandwidth. He does all the hardware upgrades.
  19. dupasuka

    dupasuka Well-Known Member

    I facepalm myself then
  20. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    I really must question how well you know LK.