Rules: No hacked pokemon All pokemon in gym are level 100 but sent to level 50 (well maybe not the best gyms) If you quit we will make a list of your name All battles against me will be put on youtube and will be posted here Well I still play pokemon just it is too easy so i am holding a Pokemon Gym, if you want to enter you must have the following: [list type=decimal] [*]Wifi [*]A pokemon game from the list (Pokemon: HG/SS/PL/B/W) [/list] if you want to join the gym just post your Friend Code Here and we shall vs (you must have my FC Below) Waiting List: [list type=decimal] [*]None [/list] Pokemon In Gym B/W = HG/SS/PL = Luxray Dialga Articuno Feraligatr Ampharos Not done setting up!