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LEGO Star Wars Complete Saga DS freezes

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by sigmasigmasigma, Jan 7, 2010.

  1. I'm using the (U) release, and it freezes in the same place every time. Episode II, Chapter 1: Discovery On Kamino.

    When you first enter Jango Fett's room, the cutscene plays, then the game freezes.

    sir spamalot also had it in his list of glitches (but no solution):

    Is there any way to fix this? or maybe a workaround so I can play the rest of Ep II? Does the (E) release have this same glitch?

    *edit* forgot to mention that I'm using an old slot-2 M3 Lite Perfect (w/Passcard 3)
  2. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Backup all your files and reformat your MicroSD.
  3. Thanks for the advice.

    I used the Panasonic SD formatter (wasn't paying attention to the options, so I formatted in FAT instead of FAT32, hope that doesn't matter), and then used the M3 Game Manager to add the game to the SD card.

    No soft reset
    1x DMA
    No rom trim

    Restored my save and I'm testing it now. I'll edit my post later with results.

    Well, that didn't take long. :'(

    Same error. Exact same place. Game is completely frozen.
  4. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Are you using the latest firmware? http://linfoxdomain.com/ds/
  5. Yeah, I've got the latest (last actually) English firmware, v35, and I'm using the v36a game manager.

    I've tried just about every combination of settings, but it still freezes in the exact same place. So it's gotta be the game itself. I'll try the (E) release tomorrow or some other time. Getting tired of playing the same level over & over again. :p
    Post Merge: [time]1263001067[/time]
    Same error with the (E) release.

    Has anyone seen this same glitch while using a Slot-1 card?
  6. Okay, for anyone who's running into the same glitch for this game, I found a workaround. (kinda)

    The Debug Menu code will let you unlock the Episode II stages.

  7. bretonultimate1

    bretonultimate1 New Member

    When I go to episode 1 chapter 2, there is the star wars intro and after that, the screen goes black, what do I do?