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Lego Harry Potter 1 - 4 Years Help Please

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by alpine, Sep 4, 2010.

  1. alpine

    alpine Member

    I just wondered if anyone know's if Lego Harry Potter 1 - 4 years is working, I am new to all this and have managed to get Toy Story3 working with help from the site but still no joy with Harry Potter.

    I have a DS lite with a ttds card I have updated my firmware to version 1.17a12 and that fixed to problem with Toy Story but just get a black screen with Harry Potter.

    Any help greatly appreciated

  2. dills2

    dills2 Well-Known Member

    what fixes the games is really just the ext info sav go back to the thread and download the latest extinfosav it dosent matter how old your ys menu is if you have latest extinfosav the game will work put it in ttmenu folder
  3. alpine

    alpine Member

    Thanks for your response, if you could help me further where would I go to find the latest extinfosav would that be on the website for the ttds card someone helped me with links last time on where to go to update the firmware but I did not write the sites down and I do not know how to get my old posts up.

    Do you have a link to the extinfosav file and Harry Potter Game that you could share with me please

    Thanks again for your help
  4. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Yes it matters.

    Sometimes YSMenu itself can fix games without help from extinfo, infolib and savlib.

  5. alpine

    alpine Member

    I am not sure what YSMenu is I have a programme called moonshell on my card is this correct or not

    Sorry about this not well up on this at all but really appreciate your help
  6. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    If you have a TTDS you have TTMenu, but I call it YSMenu.

    Just download those files, open up your TTMenu folder on your SD card and replace the files.
  7. alpine

    alpine Member

    I'll give that a try thanks very much.
  8. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    It says rom loading error=4 or something. It's a DSi enhanced rom yeah? How come my YSmenu on my R4-III can't play DSi enhanced roms? Even though I've updated extinfo infolib and savlib?
  9. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    It works on on the R4 firmware: Wood R4 1.12?
  10. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    He can't use Wood, coolkill3r..

    It probably isn't fixed yet.
  11. Lomaha

    Lomaha Well-Known Member

    Lego Harry Potter is not fixed yet for dstt cards - look in the .txt file when you download the newest files.
  12. marretakkebos

    marretakkebos Well-Known Member

    Can I please ask anyone to look at Lego harry Potter? If I knew how to update the infolib I would try it myself. But I have no clue where to start.

    Sorry wrong place for this, anyone who can delete this please go ahead.