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Legends of Roika: Dawn of the Phoenix Episode 1 - Prologue (FlyFF Machinima)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Cahos Rahne Veloza, Apr 21, 2010.

  1. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    First off, I wasn't entirely sure where I should post this so I just decided to put it here.

    Holy crap!


    It's out & it's even way better than the video series it was based on!

    Well yeah, I'm a month late as to when it was released compared to when I posted this thread but who cares :p

    I certainly don't.

    Now for those of you who do not know what the video is about, it's a video series a movie if you will made by hardcore fans of the old MMORPG known as Fly For Fun or simply Flyff using graphics borrowed & improved upon from the actual game. Said game by the way is where those characters on my sig came from.

    Anyway some time ago, the same people who made this "Legends of Roika" video/s made a very successful (well to us who know of the game anyway :) ) video series titled "The Adventures of Pudding & theGreatestEver"


    And a lot of people (me included) loved & received it positively enough, albeit the ending sucked monkey balls, that the guys who made it decided to make another series based loosely on the first they made.

    Hope you guys enjoy it too :)