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Legalize Marijuana

Discussion in 'General News' started by damanali, Oct 19, 2009.

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  1. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member


    What can i say?
  2. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    meh I still can't get hooked on it for some strange reason...
    I tried it again and again and I don't seem to crave it or want it.. the only thing that I found annoying was that my jacket smelled like weed for about a month... and I couldnt remove the stench.. I will say one thing thoe... This means getting laid is easier now lol
  3. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Where did the addiction part come in?

    Marijuana is not addictive by the way, unlaced it's laced with an additive or laced with another drug.

    It's a step towards the right direction I guess. Now to legalize medical marijuana in every state, I'm not too sure what's so harmful about smoking marijuana in the first place and why exactly they have it outlawed like it is. I mean, medicinal marijuana really has a purpose, if I were prescribed with it, I'd be happy it was that and not painkillers, those are addictive.

    I don't smoke it anymore but I think it should be legalized and be taxed, just like cigarettes in Canada. It's not too different from alcohol and is even safer than alcohol in most cases. I'm still not even sure why it was outlawed in the first place.

    Oh, I hope that it's legalized in the States because Canada will probably follow suit. Because Canada is amazing at that.

    Hahaha, awesome.

    I read somewhere that Hemp was made illegal because it was a threat to the cotton industry (because it was cheaper to produce products, in fact the first American Flag was made using hemp). Is there any truth to that?

    Also the topic title is misleading, maybe Legalizing Marijuana is better.
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    While I have no idea of the reason in the states, it's because people who have easier access to it will abuse it.

    If not taken medically-it will screw up thier minds from what I know (which ain't alot)...

    And apparently-it stinks-not like cig smoke which reminds me of a factory...

    In australia, it's very much illegal-and while you say it's not addictive-people who like the "high" afect will get addicted all the same-they may not want to be "normal" once they like it.

    If it became medical only-I suppose that's fine-but my assumption is that somehow thru those channels, it may get abused.

    One small and possibly crap example is medical certificates being used to get out of work easy.

    Prehaps a paitent is friends with a doctor and just give him the stuff with consent-however the one wanting it may not actually need it...

    And as little as he may recieve, he may abuse it...say like sell it...

    Or simply get hooked by his own will.

    And they may not show signs of abuse, and be nice to thier doctor friend...for a time being until thier minds start to twist.

    Oh..while I have not known if anyone has done that (since it's illegal here) I do know people who have doctor friends who abuse the system-from fake medical excuses to...even disability support pensions just for free money.

    Sure they were born with something...but at his age-he technically isn't dependant on it-and can work as normal-it's because he exploits the system that he doesn't work and get's paid for it...with a bit of help from a friend.

    JUST an example...

    Or to best put it...

    Like at my job when it comes to staff theft-you can't be too cafeful-thus NO exceptions.

    (If something is damaged we can't give it away-as another staff member may have done it on purpose just to get item for free-I seen it happen...)

    My apoligise if "what I heard" is not enough for a debate-I'm more of a parrot :p
  5. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Sometimes mds I wish you had some sort of paragraph structure in mind when you type out your posts. I mean I use the enter button to separate thoughts, not sentences. Also, yay wiki answer to why marijuana was made illegal.

    Being addicted to marijuanna is not a chemical thing induced by the marijuana (like nicotine in cigarettes). Being addicted to it is the same as any alcoholic or anybody who is addicted to anything, like playing games or the computer, it's the same. No matter if it's outright outlawed or is able to be prescribed medically, people will still get it, although illegally. It's the SAME way for guns. There's ALWAYS a way to get it. It's also not always that safe to get it illegally.

    I know some people that have their parents on prescribed medicinal marijuana, and yes they stole and smoked it (potent stuff, lol). But it's not worse compared to lets say, alcohol, heroine, cocaine, meth or even a gun.

    If something is made illegal, there's ALWAYS a way to get it.

    Also inb4 someone saying that marijuana is a gateway drug, because it's not. Alcohol is, alcohol gives the user a feeling of invulnerability and an attitude that will make the user try anything because they can. Marijuana doesn't have that sort of effect.
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    My sentances are the way they are because of the way I was taught, for this one I will use the form I used at age 5, now I see your point, it is comparable to alchol, but let's face it, I think ALOT of people unless they are strong willed, would want to try, say people like me-for personal reasons I never drank, never smoked, and the worse thing I ever done was steal loose change-this is because I like a few other people-have weak will power-if something get's me "high" I will tend to abuse-give me that deep fried mars bar and You won't see me eat anything else, now your wiki explanation, now that makes sence I shall admit...and so is the way's around it-however if legallised it might lower the barriers for illegal means, for right now in australia it is VERY hard to find such a thing unless you know the underworld figures-who are dying every couple of days...if legalised prehaps...i don't know-I could break into a closed medical center and steal some prehaps-the way I see it it's just a prevention to any possible circumstances-hence why guns, tazers are banned...but like you said-you can find ways around that-so does everything illegal or simply not allowed in certain places-especially places that ban drinking period.

    And...as for that up there-my teachers up until my final year prefered the abuse of the enter bar than what I posted above-sorry but the only way I can understand what I'm typing is ethier like that above (because I have troubles seperating words/thoughts) or abuse the enter bar unless they are slightly differing points, and no I'm not being smart ethier-tell that to the doctors who diagnosed me as "defective".
  7. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    I mean't addicted... like... beer, soda, games... addiction to that never happen I just don't seem to crave it.
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Well that's a good thing is it not?

    It's just short lived feeling.

    Many people I knew who touched beer have become alcholics-those who know people who smoke this stuff...the same fate.

    Guess thier pathetic lives needed something new and got hooked on will...

    SURE-the stuff doesn't have anything in it to get you hooked-but people can be susceptiple to it none the less.

    I think it's a good thing that you didn't become hooked on it-take it as a sign...it's not for you :)
  9. KiraSTRiKE

    KiraSTRiKE Well-Known Member

    Legalize it?

    Doesn't sound like that much fun to me, unless you mean just abolish the laws targeting Marijuana entirely.
    Then I'm all for that!

    But it's really not about the effect that it has on people that makes it illegal, it is a weed, can be grown very easily, by anyone.
    The state would be unable to make serious money of it if it were no longer an illegal substance. If anything its a burden on the state, you'd be surprised how many people have been and still are in jail because of this truly unjust law.

    Though regardless of the law, I intend to break it. Bad laws-I believe-should be broken.

    To each his own, some words a bunch of strangers put together and called a law, is not going to stop me.
  10. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    "Hemp is of first necessity to the wealth & protection of the country." - Thomas Jefferson

    Yeah. Recreational use aside, we can thank smear campaigns by paper, petrochemical, and cotton industries trying to suppress (an extremely abundant and effective resource) this evil 'marihuana devil's crop' as the reason hemp is illegal in this country. Of course, the US government encouraged farmers to grow as much hemp as fucking possible during World War II because of its benefits, which goes to show that the US government and its people give the plant a bizarre, uninformed, angry, and All-American reputation. It's funny how even today we can see this happening with the DEAs agenda in attacking medical dispensaries that are legal by state laws.

    We don't even need quotes to understand that marijuana is more effective than an ibuprofen pill without the terrible health risks, or that it's capable of fighting malformed and cancerous cells, and free-thinking intelligent people can also gather that the health risks are negligent with no risk of over-dose. This is why the DEA raiding these facilities has always pissed me off so much.

    When they raid these dispensaries they're taking medicine from people with cancer, down syndrome, tourette syndrome, depression, etc., while the rest of the government is taking taxed and regulated unsafe drugs and marketing them at ridiculous prices. 40,000 people in the US ALONE die every year from prespription drugs. YOU CAN NOT DIE FROM MARIJUANA. I just can't see the fucking logic used. One can kill you, one can not. The agenda in depriving patients from their medication to feed them dangerous substances is just appalling.

    Reagan made a terrible decision in making us pay billions of dollars in taxes to fight and jail ourselves over pot and we should revert everything he ever did or thought as soon as humanly possible.

    ... Which is why I'm glad this was done. Thanks Obama. Nnnnow you're on your way to deserving that little prize you have.

    "If the words "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" don't include the right to experiment with your own consciousness, then the Declaration of Independence isn't worth the hemp it was written on."
    - Terence McKenna

    Drugs are bad, kids.
  11. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Legalizing the use of Marijuana for "pleasurable" purposes isn't something new Damanali, why Some parts of Europe like Amsterdam has already done so years ago but they only allow it in certain places like bars.

    The only problem with legalizing it is substance abuse, which of course is the fault of an individual.
  12. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    If it was completely legalized in the US I know a few people that would dance in the streets naked. *ahem* ;D
  13. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    This is why I'm agaisn't-substance abuse.
  14. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    Yup, if it is legalized, will it become a multi-billion dollar income generating machine? or will it become a multi-billion dollar pain in the law and order category, medical and social aspect of a person?
  15. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Damanali, wat.

    If marijuana is legalized, like available to everyone, it would be similar to alcohol. All the laws associated.

    The way it is now for medicinal use is probably more of a pain for authorities and for people who do smoke it legally (where's your prescription?).

    It's not much different from alcohol besides that it actually has a use.
  16. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    oh, sorry about that, that was a question. i was wondering what will the legalization of marijuana will do to the society.
  17. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I doubt much will happen. It'll be used as recreation, just like alcohol.
  18. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Sorry-but from what I heard from friends who know people-doesn't it scew your head up?

    I obviously have yet to experience-I get enough high from violence and gore-ad I mean just watching heads flying and not much weirder than that :)
  19. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Just to use it for medical purposes.
    Not to grow it by yourself to get addicted to it.

    AND Just to soothe the person with painful cancer.
    You need to be checked for cancer first.
    It should be regulated, watched, AND supervised by a physician.
    And to be bought with a doctor's note.
    PLUS, it should not be smoked with tobacco, but in a pipe.

    And the growing places for medical marijuana should be a separate wing of a hospital, that is under total protection.
    With guards OUTSIDE the plant, and guarded video cameras with EMF protection(?) watching every move in and out of the facility.
    Only doctor's with permits are allowed in there.

    And anyways, since alcohol and tobacco are legalized, and they are both potentially
    deadly if misused, it's basically the same thing.

    Oh yeah, EMF protection came from my bro...
    Too much Splinter Cell...
  20. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    Guards are human-every place can be broken into.

    Some doctors will get lazy and just give it out-hence why it's so easy to get a fake sick leave or even a doctor's referal to recieve money from the goverment (ie disability support-if I went in now to my normal doc I can get this payment-won't even need to fake it).

    This will get abused.

    Besides...we don't need anymore "allowed" drugs.

    We already got drunks and people with lung cancer to support.

    WHile the use can be useful-people wil find ways about.

    It's rare for people to be in possesion of it around australia-if it was allowed in just medical form there might be more backdoor useage.

    Steal a plant from the doctors and grow more for example.

    One plant-many high people.

    Both as I see it.

    Also-fun ny story...

    Mate was smoking a home rolled cig-when a cop pulled him up-thinking it was "choof" (slang for it) but...

    After the cop broke it in 2 he realised it wasn't choof...he tried to give it back-and people wonder why cops can be hated-when they screw up everyone knows XD


    If they genetically modifiy the plant to not be reproducable then prehaps it can be used-and doctors can't hold it-they just order it in from a secret location-to avoid theft.

    Think like where money comes from-armoured vans and such-still a risk-but it'll be lowered.

    The shorter the time it sits there-less chance of theft and abuse.

    I have to admit, it sounds like it has purpose-but needs extremly tight security-which might cost more in the long run.
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