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Legacy Says ByeBye

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Seph, Jun 6, 2007.

  1. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    That's from their latest 1131 - Kakuromaniacs (E) release.
    So I guess this means that either another group steps up their game or we get a lot less NDS releases, and they'll be a lot slower. =/
  2. MovingStatistic

    MovingStatistic Well-Known Member

    Well although it does suck that this site will no longer be competing I have to agree that real life is worth quiting anything related to pixels at anytime.

    Good decision and I hope that you all do well in life.

  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Its not our site, its one of the release groups that supplies our ROMs. RomULation will continue regardless, but our thoughts are with the unfortunate member and their family at this diffcult time.
  4. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    The lack of CSS styling makes it hard to see that it's a quote from their NFO file. Sorry about that, we'll be upgrading soon.
  5. Karthegrax

    Karthegrax Guest

    Poor guy. Cars 'll be the death of us all...
  6. JKNathan

    JKNathan New Member

    Cars are mettle coffins on wheels
  7. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I'll bet the new group energy consists of Legacy members. :)

    So it looks like we'll still have a steady stream of ROMs.
  8. Relys

    Relys Well-Known Member

    This sucks! Legacy was great! :(
  9. Karthegrax

    Karthegrax Guest

    Geez Seph you seem more concerned about th fate of roms on Romulation than the fact that some guy is dead. :mad:
  10. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Okay, I'm sorry but you ASKED for this.

    I'm not concerned that some guy whom I have never been in contact with or even heard of has died? Too bad huh, do you know how many people die every day because of hunger? AIDS? War? Cancer?

    A lot of people die at a very young age, if I had to feel bad for all of them I'd be fucking depressed constantly.

    So I'm terribly sorry but I really don't give a shit, besides, the story doesn't tell anything about who actually caused the accident, might as well have been the Legacy member, assuming other people were involved of course. It could also be drunk driving in which case I say yay for one less fool on the road.

    I'd much rather be concerned when someone I know die, or someone close to someone I know dies.

    Ahhh, venting is good at times, I should do that more often.
  11. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    You'll also notice that while the information in the nfo is conflicting, it does imply that the member is still alive:
    He wouldnt be lying in a hospital if he was dead...
  12. KMC

    KMC Well-Known Member

    Well he could have meant that the car accident could have caused a fatality. Well, i hope we still get our ROMS. I agree with Seph, i don't give a damb if my neighbor dies, but if my brother died i might feel sad.
  13. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Well now it just so happens that I know my neighbour so I probably would give a damn. But I get your point.
  14. Karthegrax

    Karthegrax Guest

    I didn't say I wanted you to write a friggin tribute and devote a website to them. I was saying get over the fact that you'll have less roms. I'll put it in stupid " " or underline it next time so you understand. Im sorry you all cant give a damn
  15. Dodoman

    Dodoman Well-Known Member

    I agree with Seph here[shocking I know], but the truth of the matter be told, us in the West overrate death. It's a daily fact of life in developing and 3rd world countries. We value life too much, so much so that living longer and looking young has become somewhat of an obsession. We have news articles telling us how so and so died in so and so event, but what about the 1000s dieing everyday, and the 100s dieing every hour around the world. Why aren't their deaths glorified? Why must only "civilized" worlds deaths be front page news?
  16. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Because when you have a death every 8 seconds (I think that's the official number) then it becomes a statistic, not a person.
  17. Dodoman

    Dodoman Well-Known Member

    Yes I know that. I hate that.