Hi, Just wanna check whether my browser got error! Can someone tell me is it the latest ROM stopped at : 4807 - Mummi og de Mystiske Hylene (E)?? Because I've been checking updated ROMs for the past 2 weeks and is still the same browser, showing : 4807 - Mummi og de Mystiske Hylene (E)?? thanks!
So it's not just me, my account or my computer, but nothing has been updated. Good, I was starting to worry.
*cough* I mentioned the other day that the scene had slowed down... We haven't had an English dump in over a week.
Not really as big of a deal as people make it. Surely everyone hasn't played and beaten EVERY DS game they want to already. If so then just go through some of the older roms and find something new to try.. you may be surprised and find something you really enjoy that you never thought you would before.
I'm kinda waiting for Dementium 2 to come out. Hope it gets dumped soon. Edit: sorry, didn't check the new release date.
Some of the newer games are dsi enhanced so they're not on this website, you could check gbatemp though.