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Late introduction for my 100th post.

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Warren_303, Jan 7, 2008.

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  1. Warren_303

    Warren_303 Well-Known Member

    Hello fellow gamers my name is Warren, I'm sure you can tell by my "original" username. <sarcasm

    Anyway I found this site July 07 and it is one of the best overall. In fact I find myself here more than most websites because I like the crowd in the forums, and other obvious reasons.

    I'm 25 and I live in Seattle where it rains often, if you didn't already know.
    I have a few hobbies other than consoles and PC. Mostly I like to play guitar and bass with or without this crappy band I have, (which I'm not going to name in case someone tries to claim it.) I like to skateboard watch movies with my girlfriend, spend time with my 2 year old daughter and I read a little. Currently reading a Spinter Cell book which is really good so far.

    Other than that, I love play video games of course just like all of you. I have a Nintendo Wii, DS, and PS2 that I play regularly. I "will" have an Xbox 360 in due time because there are some really good FPS (first person shooter) and action/adventure games that I havn't played enough of at friends.

    I'm currently working for AT&T International data support, and Tier 3. It's not too bad, I talk to celebrities once in a while like Russell Simmons for example, founder of Def Jam records. Luckily at this job I can play my DS and get away with it. Other than that I hate my job, everyone is whining, complaining, even sometimes demanding which is BS I have to deal with. On the brighter side I'm currently interviewing for a posistion that involves web design with a great company that will pay me more mula. I lack web design experience a great deal, so I'm nervous, (fingers crossed) although I am qualified enough for the posistion. The paid training provided should be excellent, I hope.

    So that's enough about me, and I have to go anyway.

    By the way to you admins, moderators and wannabe's you are doing a great job with this keepin this website the way it should be.

    Good job young ones, stay in school. ;)
  2. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    Welcome mate. And I also have a Splinter Cell book but have yet to read it yet.
  3. Warren_303

    Warren_303 Well-Known Member

    I appreciate it Winterreise,

    The little one is the light of my life, she is the main priority even though I mentioned her later on with my hobbies.

    I will give you guys a heads up with the new job, if anyone wants to know.

    Also if anyone has any advise or links based on web design I would very much.
    I have been searching for stuff to read up on for trouble shooting and basic HTML design before final interview and training.

    W/O much luck. ???

    So if anyone does please let me know. :)
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    www.w3schools.com to start with, I'll find you some other stuff tomorrow
  5. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Welcome to RomUlation. Sort of.
  6. Warren_303

    Warren_303 Well-Known Member

    Thanks Loony!

    This has and will keep me busy for a while.

    For some reason I thought you would send me a link or two.
  7. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

  8. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Awesome, good to see some people are making introductions worth reading, and also good to see that most people make replies worth reading. :)

    *glares at vincent_valentine and born2kill*

    I have a mate who plays the guitar and I play the drums so sometimes we get together for a little fun; nothing band'ish though, we'd need someone on keyboard for that. :)

    Though I know how hard it can be to get a band working well and get some decent songs to play, so best of luck with that.
  9. Warren_303

    Warren_303 Well-Known Member

    Thanks man,

    My singer is going to get the Chaos Pad #2 pretty soon and a new amp. Should be alot better for practicing/noise making. :)

    Thats cool you can play the drums Seph.
    I'm horrible at drums, real life and Rock Band. My little brother can play the drums pretty well but he lives a state away from me. :-\

    Update : Unfortunately I didn't get the job, they hired everyone they needed but they will consider me in the future.

    Which should't be long considering most from my current company on a lower contract will be there. tch retards, "cough"

    They will be filtered out soon enough.
  10. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    (Late) welcome. Great to see someone actually putting effort into their introduction too. :p
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