Just finished the Last Airbender up on no$gba and liked it. I enjoyed the play through and will prob run through it again. Good play. Just wanted to get this comment out there. Enjoy. HoustonTX24
I've never cared for Avatar, and I've heard from many sources about how bad the movie was. But it's all based on opinion. As for the game, it's a movie game. I've only ever played one good movie game. Peter Jackson's King Kong on Xbox 360. Back in 2005.
I can agree to an extent that the movie wasn't up to par (per my son the expert) hopefully for the next movie the director will have called in some avid watchers of the series. I still didn't have a prob with the movie or the game.
The animated series is a really good one though. And hey, a new series is coming out, starring a female protagonist. That gotta be interesting.
Movie games are pretty much always left to personal taste. The problem with them is, 99% of the time it shows heavily that it was just made as a promotional item, and was not meant to be a quality game. The people making the game know full well that they don't need to put much effort into it, so it ends up being a pile of crap. Two movie games that were actually fun: - Peter Jackson's King Kong - Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Lord of the Rings just had pretty much incredible game play. The one player mode was stupidly hard, and the two player mode was stupidly easy. The game was also severely short considering it was based off such a long movie based off an equally long book. Overall, it's kind of a crappy game. The game play is a very solid redeeming quality, but it really isn't enough. Most movie games are total piles of garbage though. You just get a gem every once in awhile actually worth playing.
The kung fu panda game was quite nice. It was also among the top downloaded on this site. I think. Also, Super Man Returns for DS is a worse version of Superman 64.