I have a problem. When I insert my Kingston 32G pendrive into my Acer laptop that's running on Windows Vista, it says that device software cannot be installed or something and I can't open up the pendrive. The pendrive does however work on other laptops. Does anyone know how to fix this problem.
Try what Devon is asking first, if it doesn't work - I found this with a quick Google: http://www.driversquad.com/driver.php?option=o&prodid=137&cust=kingston+USB+driver_AD_www.google.com_&channel=&subid=201_US%2ADR_o&roia=%21iicYvq1BAAKLOkMAAAYOVQAAZT5CAABnCA-A Supposedly as up to date as currently possible and works with all USB Kingston memory.
Yeah all but 1 other(which was a crappy looking free gift which I don't use much) pendrives work on the laptop.