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L and R buttons?

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by lusien, Mar 20, 2009.

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  1. lusien

    lusien Member

    Err yea I've had my R4 for a year now, and my DS has been working fine... But donno first my R button stopped working then my L button... This is a real pain. I'm thinking it might have something to do with the game cart itself? I moved the cart to another DS system one that I'm sure the L and R buttons work fine on and i got the same result seems the buttons just don't work with the cart.... Would LOVE some help on how to fix this problem cause it really sucks and lowers the amount of game i'm able to play.
  2. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    It's the L and R buttons on the DS, not to do with the cartridge usually. Do you have a DS Lite? Also, are you sure L and R trigger anything in game? Or is it on the firmware or in general?
  3. Skane

    Skane Well-Known Member

    This is my expertise; I know almost for sure why that has happened.

    I play Metroid Prime Hunters and COD:WaW alot, which used the L and R button to shoot. All metroid players (all the good ones) will tell you that a DS' L button is only good for less than a year or two at most if you play metroid every day. My L button on my 4 month old Blue DS lite stops working repeatedly. Thats why when you moved it to the other DS they worked. Your triggers are shot, man.
    What you can do to help that out is to use your fingernail to pop up the L or R button and blow in there. I've taken apart a few DS's and have no clue how that makes the button work. I guess that grime, dirt, or dust marrs up your button. Somehow blowing makes it work.
    Sometimes you don't have to pop up the buttons. I do.

    Hope this helps!

    If your warranty just expired (I'd recommend calling nintendo tomorow) or expired recently keep calling till you get someone cool that will tell you its OK to send in your DS for button repair. I did (slightly expired warranty), and this cool guy said he'd help me out. But my old black DS got stolen 5 months ago in PE class before I could send it in...
  4. lusien

    lusien Member

    meh alright thanks for the help guys. Thats really stupid if its an on going problem for the ds lite system you'd think they'd try to fix it :/
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