anyone here watch it?, i just watch it yestherday, and i'm glad i watch was great XD Tigress and Viper officially my favorite character =P Tigress is so cute and cool like Shana, especially during the night, when her eye start glowing, too bad she didnt get a cute voice like Viper. Viper is just pure cute
Re: Kung Fu Panda i loved it "tigress: guys like you think kung fu is a joke Panda:*makes funny face Tigress:y u Mantis: oops i accidentaly tweaked his facial nerve then panda falls and his back coverec with accupuncture needles
Re: Kung Fu Panda yup that scene is great. but the scene about Panda vs Viper is great too. Viper: are you ready? Panda: I was born ready. *Viper send Panda flying* Viper: sorry, i though you said your were ready. Panda: lets do it again! actually the Panda really have godly defense, IMO its the only reason he win that Tai Lung.
Re: Kung Fu Panda Everything is kung fu this-kung fu that nowadays. Asian is definitely the new black. Also i'm so sick of everything that has Neil Sedaka's song kung fu fighting. Now if kung fu was such an awesome martial art then how come you never see it(win) in any MMA sport?
Re: Kung Fu Panda there is no martial art called "kung fu" it's chinese for ability to fight, if you have it then you can fight. And besides, whether or not you are good at fighting is based on the person who is fighting. Each fighting style has it's own pros and cons, knowing how to manipulate pros and cons makes a strong fighter, not because a particular style is better than the other.
Re: Kung Fu Panda I guess ou never heard of Wu-Shu (spelling?) (translated as Martial Art), that is the new term for Kung-Fu, the term Kung-Fu only used in Movie now days, in sport they are call Wu-Shu (spelling?). FYI, they have a collage and University for Wu-Shu in China, although it is not the same as those who learn in Sholin Temple.