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Know your members: Loonylion

Discussion in 'Know your users' started by athemoe, Aug 22, 2011.

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  1. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the 38th "Know Your Members" game.
    This is a game where we choose a member to spotlight which could then be asked any question by any member!
    Here are the rules

    1.If the member chosen doesn't want to answer a question he/she can freely ignore it
    2.If you want to put all the questions you have in one post don't write walls of text
    3.Don't spam
    4.Members will have a chance to ask the member for up to one week(unless the member requests more or less)and then we choose another member to be in the spotlight.

    And now this week's member is:
    You can ask him anything you want from what if situations to any other questions, but keep in mind he can freely ignore any question.
    Also I've added a history of members that were chosen before which I'll update each time.

    Now start asking!
  2. 10tarik10

    10tarik10 Well-Known Member

    Do you like being a admin?
    Has Romu changed a lot?
    Why ''Loonylion''?
    Are you strict when it comes to banning people?
  3. AnimeboyX3

    AnimeboyX3 Well-Known Member

    How come you have no Avatar?

    How come you always seem pissed?

    Your the only Admin I see most of the time.Where's Seph?
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    It has ups and downs.

    recently, not really. Since it started, yes.

    Long story, it was my highschool nickname.

    Depends what they've done.

    can't be bothered to put it back up

    dunno, I'm rarely angry. Or drunk.

    he doesn't come to the forum much anymore, he prefers to stay behind the scenes working on code.
  5. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    Views on me?
    Views on the current Romulation?
    Do you like anime?
    Favourite cocktail?
  6. ogh3

    ogh3 Well-Known Member

    Pie? Favorite Pie?
    Steak? How do You like yours?
    Views on me?
    FF or DQ? Favorite (FF or DQ)?
    Favorite (FF or DQ) Character?
  7. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member

    How's your lion?
  8. Genya Arikado

    Genya Arikado Well-Known Member

    Favorite music genre?
  9. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    Dream job :p


    Seph or Reider ?
    Do you plan on every meeting seph.
    Views on me
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    One of the perks of being admin is there are some things I can keep to myself.

    It's in a rut but should start picking up again soon


    I don't drink cocktails.

    chicken pie with shortcrust pastry.

    don't eat steak often enough to have a preference.

    never played dq

    probably squall.

    they're both fine.

    dont really have a favourite, I listen to all kinds.

    Network engineer and big cat handler.

    difficult. was seriously ill on at least one occasion and started losing my hearing.


    sucked. All 3 of them.

    home schooled for first year, first 6 weeks of second year sucked, then I went to boarding school and I suppose everything balanced out after that.

    been there done that, got the jacket and the honours degree.

    The temporal prime directive forbids me from discussing the future.

    assuming you mean 'do you ever plan on meeting seph' then who knows. Our work commitments means that its more or less inevitable at some point though.
  11. dmac154

    dmac154 Well-Known Member

    How have you been old chap?
  12. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    Do you want to make a liger/tion?
    Do you prefer tions or ligers?
  13. usernameladiesman217

    usernameladiesman217 Well-Known Member

    You seem to know a lot of general knowledge.

    Where does most of this originate from?
  14. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    Any siblings

    Favourite game any system

    Favourite system

    Xbox or Ps3.

    Which part of england do you live in.
  15. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    ok I guess

    No, it is illegal to do so and both suffer from serious health issues.

    neither should exist. they are unnatural hybrids

    I was an avid reader when I was younger. Went through a phase where I wouldnt touch fiction and would only read dictionaries and encyclopaedia.

    younger sister

    hard to say. Maybe sonic adventure, maybe starfox adventures, maybe one of the FF games (8/9/10) maybe dark cloud, maybe deus ex or half life. I'm partial to classic sonic and duke nukem 3d too.


    South west.
  16. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Why did you agree to do this?
  17. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    why not?
  18. 10tarik10

    10tarik10 Well-Known Member

    What's a up?
    What's a down?
  19. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    Do you have a laptop?
    In which part of the world or country do you life in?
    How come you are a admin?
    Why aren't there as many epic admins as you and Seph?
  20. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Being able to have input into the direction the site and community takes

    dealing with spammers and serial rulebreakers.

    several. I prefer desktops though.


    I had skills that seph didn't when romu restarted, and they were needed.

    no comment.
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