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Kingdom heasrt 358/2 days, Xion turns into ven???

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Safersephiroth00, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. In a scene in wonderland Xion is seen fighting Xigbar, and at one point we see she takes the shape of Ven...
    Anyone know anything? Maybe part of Soras memory from Birth by sleep.
    Post Merge: [time]1244332879[/time]
    I found this scene when i was playing, of course i didn't know wot was going on because i coldn't read it cause its in Japanese...
    Found this on KH wiki but is it accurate? :"During a scene where Xigbar is about to battle Xion in Wonderland, he sees her appearance as Ven, which distracts him, allowing her to knock him to the ground. This is likely due to the fact that she is a puppet based on Sora's memories, and emitted Xigbar's memories of Ven, but Ven's connection to Sora remains unknown."
  2. Kinnikuman

    Kinnikuman Member

    spoilers much?
    And i'm not too sure what ur referring to
  3. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I believe that Xion can appear differently to different people. Whether she appears as Ven because of Sora's latent memories or those of Xigbar seems to be uncertain. You'll have to wait till the english version is released to see if this particular point is expanded upon, as it is beyond my Japanese.
  4. wotzit95

    wotzit95 Member

    how u play the game?

    Post Merge: [time]1244455759[/time]
    everytime i play the story mode it freezes wif no pictures
  5. I play the game with an R4 for nintendo DS, game downloaded from this site: https://www.romulation.org/NDS/3819_-_Kingdom_Hearts_358-2_Days_(J)(NRP).rar.html/

    It did not work for my friend with a R4i. Everytime he started a new game and after the scene were Roxas gets outta bed it froze on a black screen. Then tried it on my normal R4 and it worked.

    I don't know anything else about ROMs on computers and stuff, this is all i know that it works on a normal R4 for nintendo DS, Hope this helps :)