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Kingdom Hearts Mini - Translation Project

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by gav_93, May 31, 2009.

  1. gav_93

    gav_93 Active Member

    Looking for somebody, or afew people who could programme the translations inot the game as i have I THINK all the items and magic translated. By MINI translation, i mean menus, items, and possibly the item panels.
  2. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Doesn't this game will come out in English??
  3. gav_93

    gav_93 Active Member

    Yes it will come out in english, but in the mean time i think a lot of people would be greatful of english menus, items so as to understand what they truly do.
  4. m0ony

    m0ony Member

    well... after 15 hours of gameplay (heck, after 6) I managed to guess (by trial of errors) what are the options, how the panel system works etc...
    so it's kinda enough

    however I know that psycoblaster from gbatemp is doing this mini translation and it will be published sooner or later - just wait
  5. gav_93

    gav_93 Active Member

    Hmmm i guess but this guy said that he didnt wanna post it before, i do read other forums lol, and if you are that far in have u finished Day 172 ??
  6. m0ony

    m0ony Member

    he said that he won't give his program that helps translate but he will give the translation patch

    as for the day 172 -... no, I'm currently on day 122 or something
    I spent so much time doing hologram missions - to get the gold medal and all crests :D
  7. gav_93

    gav_93 Active Member

    Ohh kwl, and thanks for telling me that he will be releasing the englsih translation dont have to waste my own time.
  8. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    I hope it will be translated 99%...doea it take long to translate?
  9. marafi

    marafi Well-Known Member

    That would be WICKED if there was at least a translation all i know is the kanji for yes and save in japanese.. lol thats all though a translation would be WICKED! still cnt wait for it to come out in the US woo hoo for august!
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    many months.
  11. m0ony

    m0ony Member

    yes is writen in katakana if I'm not mistaken - hai ha + i,
    the same applies for no - iie i + i + e
    so no kanji for "yes"

    and for the translation - depends on the compresion, on the text lenght etc.
    if everything goes smoothly a group of 4 people could do it in month or so
    but KH358/2 Days unofficial FULL TRANSLATION will not happen
    because in few months we get official english release
  12. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    Since it'll take many months for a "99%" translation, we might as well wait for the September 30 release...
  13. Wintrale

    Wintrale Well-Known Member

    Actually translating it wouldn't be hard, nor would it take longer than a single run through. But coding the translations into a ROM would take far too long...

    I think translations should be kept to games that won't get localised rather than games that we know will. Most people, for example, would never have been able to play Soma Bringer, let alone know it even existed. So the people who translated it did an amazing job in giving the people who can't read Japanese the capability of playing the game with a very high degree of understandability.

    Working stuff out for yourself is just as effective as being told how to do it, anyway. It's not like the game has complex mechanics or anything.
  14. flatoutvincent

    flatoutvincent Well-Known Member

    this guy has some partial here hes been working on it http://ameblo.jp/koulinovesperia/entry-10270295273.html
  15. andrew100

    andrew100 Well-Known Member

    actually hai and iie are hiragana not katakana as they originate from japan
  16. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Wintrale, not necessarily, if they can figure the form of embedded text, it wouldn't take that long providing the translations are already done.
  17. Alex_t15

    Alex_t15 Member

    Y don't you buy my japenese coahc or learn japenese as i think it will be much betta as you will be able to play quick-release japenease games:p
  18. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    They would not teach words such as Dodge Combo though :p

  19. wotzit95

    wotzit95 Member

    how come everytime i play new game it freezes with black screen
  20. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    are you using an emulator?