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Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by lugia543, May 19, 2010.

  1. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    here are the instructions I found on youtube. oh and this will NOT work if you don't have GEN-D3 installed on your PSP. just google it if you want it. tutorial here is pretty long but if you're a KH fan, you probably will complete this. if the patch works on this ISO then it should also work on the USA one as well.

    v4 plugins: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7KVIMOSN

    v4 eboot: http://uploaded.to/file/9ly6ih

    Kingdom hearts birth by sleep ISO:
    (iso link went down this is the ISO from pspisoz and they keep there iso's updated so im not 100% sure but this iso may already have the eboot that is in the description installed so you may only need to download this and put the KHBBS folder on the root of your MS and write down the plugin in the game.txt, so try following the tutorial below but not doing the patching iso part and respond in comments if it works i would like to test it but i already have english patch installed and getting tired of downloaing this iso (downloaded it probably 11 times already. if it was working before and now with not patching this ISO it doesn't your going to need to patch it)

    make sure you get everything from the description no were else now for the tutorial-------------------
    first take the iso you downloaded and extract it (it is conveniently placed in only 1 part) then open the iso using UMDGEN v4 search it up on google if you do not already have it then when you open it with UMDGEN open PSP_GAME-SYSDIR then delete the eboot.bin that's there and take the eboot you downloaded from the description and place it were the old eboot was. after you do this save it as a uncompressed iso* now the rest is very simple. plug in your psp and on the root of your memorystick put the KHBBS folder on the root of your memorystick (the KHBBS folder is inside the 0.4 patch update which you downloaded from v4 plugins) make sure to put the whole folder after that go into your seplugins folder and open the game.txt and right down
    ms0:/KHBBS/KHBBS_patch.prx 1
    and ofcourse put the patched iso that you put the eboot in into your ISO folder
    now the game will work 100% including standby mode multiplayer and saving
    IMPORTANT:MAKE SURE IF YOU HAVE A V.3 PATCH OR V.2 PATCH ON YOUR MEMORY STICK THAT YOU DELETE EVERYTHING THAT WAS ON THERE BEFORE like from my last video everything you downloaded you would now delete

    also when your playing khbbs make sure to disable all plugins that are not needed for example cwcheat and things like that which reminds me ENABLE YOUR KHBBS PLUGIN (OBVIOUSLY)

    enjoy and if you have any questions feel free to comment.
  2. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    bump. THE PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW!!!!!
  3. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    PSPISOz was down due to all the Megaupload files being deleted. It should be back by now.
  4. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    I also got a KHBBS plugin which made EVERYTHING much better. it comes with every new game of espalpsp. if you download the espalpsp version of kingdom hearts they should include a plugin that allows you to play it on all firmwares