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Kingdom Hearts 385/2 days

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by Soluri, Sep 26, 2009.

  1. Soluri

    Soluri Well-Known Member

    Hey, I'm on day 16 and I'm trying to do a quest, quest 9 I think. Thats the quest where you have to collect hearts. And there's that Zip Slasher I'm trying to defeat, but the problem is: It's just killing me again and again :( And I looks like my attacks arent working, so how do you kill the Zip Slasher ???

    Thanks Already ;D

    Post Merge: [time]1253968590[/time]
    Got no clue, but try posting in the Technical Help section, because I dont know all those things ;)
  2. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    I haven't made it that far, but it seems Zip Slasher is one of the tougher enemies, with a ton of HP.

    So... maybe you just need to be stronger :)
  3. Soluri

    Soluri Well-Known Member

    Hmm, okay, guess I have to run then :( I just wanted to kill it :p But my magic is also not working, and thats weird, because all the other heartless just die when it's hits them ;D
    Post Merge: [time]1253971262[/time]
    Is it even possible to beat it? I'm already hitting him for about 5 minutes....And hes still alive :eek:
  4. Fraught

    Fraught New Member

    How about you equip Scan? I did, and I saw how much lives he had left. I took out 5 out of...7 or 8, I don't remember (life bars, btw) but I died. I tried again, and died again, so I just went on.
  5. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Basically, the idea is keep chipping away at his health. Zip Slasher doesn't take damage from magic, so you and Marluxia need to keep unloading combos onto him until he blocks. Then you run like hell away while he sets up his whirlwind attack and lunge. Rinse and repeat until he's dead.

    If you find yourself low on health, back off a bit until Marluxia takes some damage. He'll heal the both of you.

    EDIT: It is possible to beat it. I've done so several times.
  6. shackol101

    shackol101 Active Member

    Hey kiddo it's kind a easy to defeat that ass kicking Zip slasher, if you think you can't defeat it try rolling around him but be careful not to catch his killer combo's and while you are rolling Axel will attack him but it will take a bit longer to kill so in order to fasten it try to attack him after he finish to execute his combos..... And then run again after you release two or three slashes on him. If both you and Axel is in near Death ,, Axel will use his potions! so no need to use your own potion. Hope that help. I've faced the zip slasher twice, the last time I fought him is in Day 100+ or something i'm not really sure.
    Remember patience can help you kill that shit!
  7. Soluri

    Soluri Well-Known Member

    "Kiddo" o_O
    Yeah, I know, killed him now i'm on level 11
  8. kamuikurou

    kamuikurou Well-Known Member

    Me too! I beat him at level 11, it's not so hard when you're that strong and got a bunch of hi-potions in your hand.
  9. shackol101

    shackol101 Active Member

    The first time i fought him I defeated it without using any potions,. Thanks to Axel he have unlimited supplies of powerful potions.L.O.L
  10. theXotaku0

    theXotaku0 Member

    It is completely possible to kill him the first time facing that mission, but it takes a lot of time, and Marluxia always gets the hits from the enemy, which restores him health and is frustrating.. I think I spent like 4 potions and a good 20 minutes just to kill him, but in the end I did it... The key is to RUN RUN RUN when he guards and be very cautious when he jumps backwards or runs to you..
  11. i_illusion

    i_illusion Active Member

    I beated him easily. Just attack after he does his swirl attacks, and run away after.. I'm suprised so many people are having problems with him. Plus you don't even have to battle him :/
  12. Soluri

    Soluri Well-Known Member

    Well, if you want a perfect score, you have to ;)
  13. kamuikurou

    kamuikurou Well-Known Member

    Ugh... when I have to complete the challenge mode I had to do that cheap trick. It's like 2 times stronger than before. :( Thanks for the tips guys! :D
  14. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    I beat him yesterday during the first time doing the mission. I am on standard difficulty. I was level 1.

    He has HUGE openings. You just have to wait for him to attack (dodge or run away) then you can land one or two full combos on him. Then move back and wait for him to attack, and repeat the one or two full combos.

    Pretty easy battle, just takes a long time.
  15. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    There are a lot more of these monsters, so always be ready ;) , day 352 here......
  16. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Check out the Dustflier on Day 353. You'll need to head to Station Plaza after getting the silver reward for that mission.

    It's easily the hardest boss in the entire game.
  17. i_illusion

    i_illusion Active Member

    You mean the floaty guy in neverland? Yeah he was a pain in thee a$#... Took me forever >.> I just filled my inventory with fire magic and beated him with only so little health left.. But yeah I'm shocked to see how strong he was.. Xion/Sora.. *Last boss* Was easier then he was.. And Riku was even easier.. Sorry if I'm spoiling stuff people! DX
  18. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    Yep, just fought him a while ago, ........... ugh so tiring....... long battle

    the dustflier is considered, I think the "most powerful" heartless out.... at station plaza btw(twilight town)