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Kingdom hearts 358/2 days limit break

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by brodiethefirst1, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. brodiethefirst1

    brodiethefirst1 New Member

    does anyone know how to activate the limit break system because I can't figure it out with all the japanese writing
  2. Ares94

    Ares94 New Member

    When you have low HP, will appears "Limit" over the HP bar. Then, hold A and the limit break will activate ;D
  3. SilverChenbi

    SilverChenbi New Member

    Wow thanks for the help Ares94! And just for anyone else who was confused as much as I was on the matter. To set the shortcuts for you spells or potions etc. Just go to that command and then hold L (for the shortcut window) and then then press the button that you want to assign it to.
  4. aceberhel101

    aceberhel101 New Member

    well i do know how the limits work but how can i power up em. besides button mash, some said each character have different limit break functions. so here is the deal. can somebody give me each characters limit break functions... thanks
  5. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    Xigbar has limit break that use Third Person Shooter style.
    And I heard Demyx has an unique one, never tried it though.
  6. Killua Zaoldyeck

    Killua Zaoldyeck Well-Known Member

    honestly, roxas limit break is the best (with single keyblade)... with double keyblade it's not easy to deal with and i don't like it...

    another person who has good limit break function is riku or xion.... the worse one is vexen.... i think that because he use shield as main weapon....

    i've tried xemnas, xigbar, xaldin, lexeaus, marluxia and king micky as well, but still, roxas with single keyblade it the best...
  7. thomasni123

    thomasni123 Guest

    I favour soras too but danald and goofys ones are cool too.
    ever tried Final Limit??? its AWSOME