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King_leo's Pokemon Black And White Walkthrough

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by king_leo, Sep 22, 2010.

  1. king_leo

    king_leo Well-Known Member

  2. j_master

    j_master Guest

    Re: King_leo's Video Pokemon Black And White Walkthrough

    oooh its today, *stares at screen*
  3. king_leo

    king_leo Well-Known Member

    Re: King_leo's Video Pokemon Black And White Walkthrough

    well i am having errors with the computer itself i can fix it but for the time being one of any 10 posters will win a prize or if you guess my favorite 5th gen pokemon (hint: thing King K. Rool only awesome... er)
  4. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

    I fixed it up for you ;)
  5. king_leo

    king_leo Well-Known Member

    Thanks, For everything you have helped with
  6. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    king_leo, weren't yu making an all round patch for B&W?
  7. king_leo

    king_leo Well-Known Member

    i was, but it seemed that there was patches and stuff for everything so i stoped and started a walkthrough video thing, wanna help then subscribe
  8. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    Lol. There are lots of carts that ain't fixed yet, including mine. But I'll subscribe anyway.
  9. EntropicKitty

    EntropicKitty Well-Known Member

    I subscribed.

    Have you activated the transfer machine? I need help
  10. M.AzaryPika3172

    M.AzaryPika3172 Well-Known Member

    Thanks! How about make Walkthrough and post it at GameFaqs website? ;D
  11. EntropicKitty

    EntropicKitty Well-Known Member

    Nvm figured it out, you can type the japanese words into your ds yourself, saves looking for the phrases. And something was translated wrong so it made it a pain.
  12. king_leo

    king_leo Well-Known Member

    Re: King_leo\\\'s Pokemon Black And White Walkthrough

    ack! my computer is lagged to hell, minor setback
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    and thanks everyone

    sorry i was not online i would have been glad to help
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    also any tips on a non laggy saving emulator i mean no$gba has no lag but no save
  13. EntropicKitty

    EntropicKitty Well-Known Member

    save states?
  14. king_leo

    king_leo Well-Known Member

    with save states on no$gba it would just load an img of the state on nds roms i have been playing around with the configuration file and i think i have near done just in no clue of where to put the save
  15. M.AzaryPika3172

    M.AzaryPika3172 Well-Known Member

  16. king_leo

    king_leo Well-Known Member

    Re: King_leo\'s Pokemon Black And White Walkthrough

    i have part 3 ready on my computer somewhere
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  17. dupasuka

    dupasuka Well-Known Member

    I got an mystery gift 2 days ago.
    Where do i go to start the event?
  18. EntropicKitty

    EntropicKitty Well-Known Member

    what event? The liberty Ticket one? Did you get the liberty ticket from the guy in blue at the pokecenter? You then head to the Huin city, at the dock furthest from te pokecenter and talk to the man there
  19. dupasuka

    dupasuka Well-Known Member

    it's an ticket wit an blue house on it.
    Can't tell you more, i can't read japanese
  20. king_leo

    king_leo Well-Known Member

    Re: King_leo\'s Pokemon Black And White Walkthrough

    ill make a walkthrough, mind sending me your save?
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    or somefin