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KH 358/2 days: how do i get the 3rd ability unit? QUESTION ANSWERED HERE!!!

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Safersephiroth00, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. How do i get a third ability unit? A common question.
    They are the things that look like yellow targets and you equip them to your keyblade.

    if you want it mostly because of these reasons, with KK+ the keyblade in the shop AFTER you have completed the game, equiping these "ability units" can do three things:
    equip one ability unit t,o KK+ you make: Oathkeeper
    With two you make: Two across, Acrossing two
    With three: is meant to be hooded roxas with oathkeeper and oblivion.
    these are all true, including the HOODED or DUAL WIELD Roxas!!!!

    Post Merge: [time]1244400156[/time]
    wanna see Dual Wield Roxas? heres a video on how to make him with KK+ and 3 ability units. (NOTE: the person who has done the video has clearly used an Emulator on the computer, as they, whoever they are have 69 ability units.
  2. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Re: KH 358/2 days: how do i get a third ability unit? (SPOILERS)

    I'm pretty sure you'll be able to get all three after beating the game. I know I had at least two, quite sure I had three. You might want to check chests and the Moogle Shop after Day 358.

    Also, you'll only be able to use DW Roxas in Mission Mode - Zero Gear (Nobody Icon) with 3 Ability Links in Story mode just looks like a regular Keyblade, so you'd be better off sticking with Oathkeeper or Two Across and filling the rest of the slots with Magic/Power/Guard Ups.
  3. Re: KH 358/2 days: how do i get a third ability unit? (SPOILERS)


    Complete mission 15, 100% and mission 30, 100% and the last one ability unit is in the shop. ( as i say 100% i mean all chests and crowns and full mission guage, by full mission gauge i mean when the mission is completed to the point were the gauge is ALL THE WAY UP and turns orange). Do them missions 100% and i think i heard that one is in the shop after day 117, but im not sure. I just saw it one day and bought it, i cant remember what mission i was on.