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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Yoherz, Oct 29, 2009.

  1. Yoherz

    Yoherz Member

    I was talking to my best bud, and we were trying to figure out what the last game Squaresoft made was.
    I thought it was Kingdom Hearts, since it still had SS"s logo on it, along with SE's.
    He thought it was Unlimited Saga.

    So, he had logged off, and I was still wondering about it.
    Right then, the KGB commercial came on, so I decided to KGB it.

    Sat there...got a text back saying to text 'yes' to get my answer, or 'help' for help, so on.
    Waited about 5 minutes....shaved part of my shirt.....decided to look it up on wikipedia....searched squaresoft....list of games....found out it was X-2, technically (even though I think that was when most of the SS staff was leaving, and the enix staff was settling in).
    Sat there for a little more....decided to go get a drink....got up and started walking out of my room....got the text back.

    Ended up saying, "Final Fantasty XI Playonline was last launch. Final Fantasy:The Spirits Within was a financial loss. kgb_team"
    Waited all that time...had an extra dollar on my phone bill.....and it wasn't even the right answer. >.>

    Anyone else used KGB? Similar stories, or a story of when they got it right? Anything?
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    Full name please-not all of us know these dang short cuts.

    For the normal people y'all :)
  3. Yoherz

    Yoherz Member

    There's commercials for 'em all over....lets see if I can remember it....

    Knowledge Generation Bureau....or something like that.
    They usually call it KGB in the commercials, so I figured that would be the more recognized term.
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I'm australian-this is totally knew.

    Thought you were on about the kgb spies or something XD
  5. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Had to hand out warnings for blatant spam in this section as well as clean it up, this makes me an unhappy admin!
  6. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    You're always grumpy, Seph. I would argue my post was not spam because it was talking about the KGB and the SS. D:<

    Why would you trust one of those cell phone texting commercials? They're all scams and phonies. It's not much different than TEXT LAUGH AT 55565 TO RECEIVE JOKES/PICK UP LINES/FART RINGTONE LOL.
  7. JohnnieBob

    JohnnieBob Well-Known Member

    Is KGB like the 118 ads in the UK?
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    no, KGB is a service where you text a question, they look it up on wikipedia and send you the answer by text, and you pay them for the priviledge. 118 is a directory service.
  9. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Seems like a waste of money...but it's handy on the move I guess...

    SEPH-I figured out what I did...I forgot all about this topic-sorry to the topic creator and the people involved cleaning this mess up :(
  10. MangaRx

    MangaRx Well-Known Member

    Each phone com[any in Aus has stuff like that