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Kamage's storytime....In progress!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by kamage, Aug 6, 2008.

  1. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    Well, I'm thinking of trying to make a novel or something, but the best way is to get the public's opinion, and what better place than RomUlation?

    Well, alot of my stories are really rouch drafts... I can continue and finish them whenever I like, but it takes time, so that's when I thought of up Kamage's storytime!

    This is a place where members can share their stories with one another, but we all know, all work is copyrighted.

    Here's my first story I'm presenting to you guys (Note: It was made in 20 minutes, so don't expect it to be genius. Or punctuated, because It's just a concept....)

    [No Title]

    Lasers bursted out into the open fields, fire sprouted from the steam vents, as mechs, and humans alike marched onto the rubbish destination, opening fire at the slightest movements.
    Shrieks are heard from a distance, as agonizing brawls sprouted throughout the war torn city of Almastea, ending a new age. Robots marched along the sidelines, impaling every organism on contact, humans stowed away in the darkness, cowering from the fear of being wiped away from existence.
    The world was at its end.

    “God, I knew I should have never took part in making these damned machines!” A voice complained out of the twilight of the night, “I can’t take this anymore!”
    A brim silhouette unsteadily rose up, it shook with fear, as the object was elevated to point-blank, it paused for a moment, staring at the object with despair. His free arm rose above the sleek item, triggering a small click, then.
    A loud thump was heard, as the body came crashing down. It is said that a when a tree falls, it makes a sound, but nobody is there to hear it, the same thing happened here, nobody was around to hear it.

    A few months passed, as headlines of the suicide of Dr. Hertia circulated around the globe, but it didn’t really matter now that he was gone. After all, he created these demon-like machines, right?

    Copyrighted:Kamage :p

    My Comments:I know the beginning sucks, but hey it's a concept!
  2. manjithxxx

    manjithxxx Well-Known Member

    So...you thinking of title?
  3. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Dang Kamage we both like the same thing, post Apocalyptic themes.

    Anyway, I've wanted to post something like this myself, in fact I'm just waiting 'til I get to buy a scanner for my PC. I've had ideas for a comic book for years (since I was grade 3) but the problem is, I can't draw to much detail (backgrounds mostly). So when I get to buy a scanner & scan my old concept drawings, I'll post them here & look for someone to collaborate with. Infact, I'm a bit desperate that when I do get to scan my drawings, I might post them up on DeviantArt & wait if someone will be interested enough to help me out. But since I'd much prefer RomUlation, I'd post them here first.

    So anyway, one of my concept stories is about a Filipino Super hero much like Captain America (Damn Marvel, why did they kill Cap, that's so stupid) or Captain Britain.

    Captain Philippines!

    He was an Overseas Filipino Contract Worker ( my cousin was my inspiration for this :D ) who was chosen by the spirit of our country's national hero Dr. Jose Rizal to be bestowed with Awesome powers & be Captain Philippines. Unfortunately his power grows only where there are Filipinos (generally blood related, so if there are people born of Filipino blood even if they're other races, he can draw power from them, and no he isn't a vampire) & it diminishes if there aren't any. What this basically means is, he is just a typical person, but when he's near Filipinos, his powers become active, let me explain it this way:

    If he's alone, he's just a typical person, no powers what so ever.

    1 Pinoy + him = he gets a little strong

    10 Pinoy + himself = He becomes agile, his muscles strengthen & gets to jump high

    100 Pinoy + Himself = He can lift a small bus, is invulnerable & can fly

    Over a hundred & he's virtually Superman!

    I got this idea from the Filipino concept of "Bayanihan" where people band together & do an act of selflessness in order to help someone in need.

    Anyway, one time he faces a very smart villain who discovered this "flaw" in his powers, so the asshole took Captain Philippines to one of the places on earth where there are no Filipinos ever, the Kalahari Dessert! There the first Captain Philippines died.

    Soon after, Dr. Rizal's Spirit realizes that his Champion had failed & must now find a new heir to wear the veil of Captain Philippines. But this time he made sure not to make the same mistake with his choice. He got together the spirits of three other Filipino Heroes, Andres Bonifacio, Diego Silang & Lapu-Lapu & had them each pick out a hero that will represent each of the country's three main regions.

    Andres Bonifacio, who was to pick a hero to become Commander Luzon, picked a rebel soldier who fought alongside the leftist guerrillas the New people's Army. He chose a Soldier by the name of Rodolfo Corpuz, who was weary of the senseless warfare he has engaged in for years & had begun to question his leftist party's purpose.

    As Commander Luzon, his powers only ever manifest IF he stays on the boundaries that make up the Luzon region. His powers include incredible strength, agility & has the ability to become any Animal indigenous to the Philippine Archepelago, he can talk to animals too.

    Diego Silang was assigned to find a torch bearer for Commander Visayas. He found one in Juan Dugayo, a Shamanist from the Island of Capiz. As Commander Visayas, he can breathe & has immense power under water & has the ability to use Capiz's & Ilo-ilo's fabled black arts. He can summon & command beasts from Philippine folk lore & cure super naturally induced illnesses.

    Finally, though also from Visayas, Lapu-Lapu was assigned to find someone who will become Commander Mindanao. He found one in Niel Subano, a weary Maguindanao Scholar who was sent to University as their village's hope for a Doctor. But while in University, his entire village was pillaged & slaughtered by the Abu Sayyaf extremists. Upon hearing the news of his people's death, the trauma forced him to quit University & join the ranks of the Philippine Army. Filled with rage, he guns down any rebel insurgent with fire in his eyes & it was this that made Lapu-Lapu chose him to safe guard Mindanao. As Commander Mindanao, Niel uses his military training along with his two super powers, he can turn invisible & can unleash a phat gun attack with unlimited ammo! Also, his ammo seem to change with the waxing & waning of the moon. At full moon, he can shoot unlimited RPG Rounds & during new moon he can only shoot rifle rounds.

    Now even though these three heroes are bound by their power's location limitation, they can all meet up & perform a "unity uplink", a state where they can use their powers outside their regions, PROVIDED, they stick to a one mile radius of each other. This is very important as this power uplink can even power up the fourth member of their team, Captain Philipiines who was again chosen by Dr. Rizal from yet another Filipino Overseas Worker. Whenever the New Captain Philippines needed to Battle in a place where there are no Filipinos, he can summon the three commanders & up link with him so they can all use their powers & battle the enemy.

    Later on, a fifth member, Binibining (Miss) Pilipinas joins the group, she, like Captain Philippines draws her power from her country men & was chosen by the spirit of Flor Contemplacion, a recent Overseas Filipina Domestic Worker who was unjustly sentenced to death & was given the status of a modern day Heroine.

    Well that's it, when I get to scan my drawings I'll post them here & just like Kamage, this is my idea so no plagiarism ;D
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    remove that, it doesn't fit.
  5. CJneeds6characters

    CJneeds6characters Well-Known Member

    Cahos tryin to get some attention???

    Not bad Kamage

    Anyways if you cleaned it up. made the whole book and then mabye I'd condemn it readable.

    I haven't seen many books like this, (you know robots,apocalypse) but it seems interesting. You'll usually find my nose in a adult fantasy/adventure/mystery book(screw that little kid crap) but I would read this, as it is a little to futuristic for me, but thats just me.
  6. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Not bad you two, I used to have an awesome story, very gruesome. However, it was lost in my old 20GB harddrive :(
  7. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    How sad....

    Anyways, my Chemistry teacher got mad at me....because of this story (Wow 20 minutes!) Wasn't really fair >.>
  8. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Meh, don't mind your teacher, he just can't appreciate your writing style. That or he wants you to be like him :-\
  9. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    It would be odd if Commander Luzon could only talk to EXTINcT animals...
  10. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Just a tidbit, I got the idea for Commander Luzon's powers from the epic Legend "Bi-ag ni Lam-ang", which is an Ilokano narrative. Lam-ang has super human strength & can talk to animals. In one of his final adventures, he was eaten by the dreaded giant fish known as the Bertaken. After the fish pooped out his remains his animal friends gathered his bones & prayed to the Gods to revive him & he did ressurect.
  11. ian13456

    ian13456 Well-Known Member

    wow your so proud of our country.i did not know that our heroes had super comic powers.
  12. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    They don't, it's just a concept I thought up when I was 10 years old, being a once Marvel Superheroes fanboy ;D