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Just wondering, PSP-DS

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Almo, Oct 8, 2007.

  1. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    OK well i always thought that the DS and PSP were fairly equal technology wise? Im no wizz kid so im not up with these things but could someone throw together a quick spec comparrison?
    What brought this on is the fact that PSP games are around 1GB and DS dont break 128MB? is this actually to do with specs (GFX, processing, ect) or is it just that nintendo is clever and can jam more into a small space?
    Anyway sorry for being a noob lol as I dont own a PSP I cant compare it to my DS, Would it be worth having both?
  2. clugenheim

    clugenheim Well-Known Member

    PSP is more powerful and has better "specs".

    DS is just more fun.
  3. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    oh lol well that cleared it all up
  4. darkman

    darkman Well-Known Member

    The hardware does not make a system great, it is the games that make a system great. A good programmer can take the most limited hardware and make a game that will have you addicted and coming back for more. Games sell systems, not hardware specs.

  5. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    ok well ill rephrase, why are PSP games so much bigger than DS?
  6. tenjakid

    tenjakid New Member

    PSP have higher resolution and colour/pixel thus using more data.
    And one more thing,for nds they CAN make game bigger then 128 but it will be a rare sight as the game would be 256 if it is any bigger then 128.(there's only 1 game that have 256mb so far).
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    plus ROM chips cost exponentially more to produce in higher capacities.
  8. adrelith

    adrelith Well-Known Member

    PSP games also generally have a lot more high quality video content. There are some games that have less video, and lower quality graphics, and this is shown in the size of the roms - getting as small as 70MB for some games (such as a Korean made RPG I used to play).
  9. HardDisk

    HardDisk New Member

    the PSP does have better graphics, but the DS has more games and better homebrew support. I mean how many people can say they can use their PSP as a sip phone :)
  10. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    "but the DS has more games"

    DS doesnt have much game that is playable, i downloaded alot of DS games, but only couple of them keep me going for couple hours, the rest of them didnt even make it through couple of mins before i deleted them....I only own 3 DS games which i think is wroth of the cash (out of thousen of DS games)....

    I didnt own a PSP, but i'm getting one (hopefully) by end of this year and i already make a list of the game i'm going to buy.

    But i have to agree to the homebrew things, but again the only homebrew that i use is savsender...since the rest of the homebrew is pratically pointless to have.
  11. NeoGeoLover

    NeoGeoLover Member

    I have both systems, but play mostly my psp. I have an 8 gig card in mine.
    Currently loaded on my memory stick:
    every sega genesis ever released in NA
    every SNES and NES game ever released in NA
    all turbografx 16 hu cards released in NA
    Approx. 30 neo geo games, and every cps1 and cps2 released
    Manhunt 2.
    Fear effect (psx)
    I think that about says it.
  12. NeoGeoLover

    NeoGeoLover Member

    ..Should've posted this in my last post, sorry.
    To HardDisk: when was the last time you saw a ds being used as a GPS?
    Easily possible on the PSP, as well as a wide array of other apps.
    It seems like many people like to just toss around opinions as though they were facts.
    The Truth is: the "homebrew" scene on the PSP is much larger and encompassing in scope than that of the DS.
    I'm heavily involved in both.
    Not a fanboy, just spreadin' the word.
  13. G.C

    G.C Well-Known Member

    Get A PSP...

    The PSP Has Much Better Graphics, Pretty Much Like The PS2's, Let Me Name Some Good Games For It:

    Grand Theft Auto Liberty/Vice City Stories
    Syphon Filter Dark Mirror/Logans Shadow
    Manhunt 2

    Yea The Games Maybe Big But You Can Get Up To An 8GB Card And Say I Play Syphon Filter Dark Mirror Online And Dont Play The Single Player, You Can Just Get Rid Of The Files You Dont Want In The ISO To Save Room..

    You Can Play Homebrew Games/Apps, PS1 Nes, Snes, Sega Megadrive/Genesis,
    Gameboy Colour/Advance, N64 And More..

    You Can Use A Variety Of Plugins, Like Listening To MP3's Whilst Playing A Game, Hex Editing...

    You Can Flash Different Icons/Gameboots/Fonts/Backgrounds And Other Stuff To Your PSP

    Can A DS Do Many Of Them Things..? Uhh I Think Not... Get A PSP :]

    Also, There Is Alot More Stuff You Can Do, But I Cant Say Everything
  14. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    ^ personally id oppose most of that lol, I just stole my brothers PSP and man I hate it lol, its hopeless and doesnt get you involved in games like the DS does, plus most are just bloody PS ports! lol filth!
    Get a DS :p
  15. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    This is a fault of the game developers, not a fault of the console.
  16. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    er....if by that you mean no touch screen, that i say whats wrong if it dont have a touch screen, a Key for protable gamming is easy to navigate, game that involve too much human contact would just kill the meaning of protable gamming, take Pokemon for example, you can control the battle with either stylus or joypad, but i really perfer joypad over stylus, especially when i'm travelling.....to tell the truth, i forget when was the last time i use the touch screen.....

    the only ports game that i would recall is Valkyrie Profile, which have been receive a major revamp (mostly animation part), even though PSP have ported games, but they arent release without any imporvement, unlike ported game in DS. take Resident Evil: Deadly Silent for example, except for the touch screen knife fight (which is silly) everything is the game as PS version which is a rip off...another good example is Front Mission.....IIRC no imporvement to the game....

    anyway, if TC would have to choose one, then i would suggest which type of game that you like the most, kiddy games (like mario) or mature games (like Metal Gear)...get the system base on your gaming needs dont make the same mistake that i did.
  17. Master_SL

    Master_SL New Member

    manhunt 2? The game sucks compared to the first one.
    GTA? its meh. Its a good game to occupy you but nothing compared to its console brothers.
    Haven't played syphon but I hear good things.

    the graphics are hardly a reason to buy it.
    Look at MP:H, Sonic rush, sonic rush adventure, while DS is inferior power wise many of the games are more enjoyable and tend to hold my attention moreso than the PSP games. The loading times are also horrible unless you gett the new PSP

    Nintendo DS can do the same and has better emulators for the SNES,NES,Sega genesis/megadrive

    moonshell anyone?And there are tons of applications for the DS which allow you to do hex editing.
    Again the DS can do this as well. *points to R4.
    yes it can do all of those things and I just gave you a few examples.
    your argument fell to pieces.
    This is not to say the PSP sucks, jsut that it really isn't s good as people say it is.

  18. Warren_303

    Warren_303 Well-Known Member

    I like them both but I would prefer the DS.

    Although I would like to own a PSP, I like the graffics and the fact that it can run PS 1 games.

    I did see that someone was able to emulate the DS on the PSP.

    There is a big problem with the fact that it does not have a touch screen.

    Still I would think that some games should work with buttons only.

    Anyway it's pretty interesting check it out. ;D

  19. Warren_303

    Warren_303 Well-Known Member

    This link has more info for those who wish to read up on the DS emulation on the PSP.

  20. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Case in point, Super Mario Bros.

    Bold text: I believe you have just contradicted yourself. The truth is the DS can do all of those things. And try improving your spelling. Too many people think "a lot" is a compound word... it's scary; and why did you capitalize the first letter of all your words? Not Every Word Is Part Of A Title.