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Just bought a Nintendo Wii. What games should I get?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by insanecrazy07, Aug 14, 2008.

  1. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Since it's being stored in my room until Christmas, what games should I get?

    I'm slowly but surely collecting all of the hardware: extra wiimote/nunchuck, classic controllers, component cables, etc.

    You are allowed to put future releases on here as long as they are before 12-25-08.
    also, don't post games that I can get on another system. (unless it is something along the lines of Resident Evil 4 kind of exemption)

    I know a few obvious choices that have already made the list, but what about the other obscure ones that nobody has really played but is a good game?

    So far here is the list:
    Super Smash Bros. Brawl (although I am sick of playing it)
    Zelda: Twilight Princess (it is a must, since I need it for the TP hack).
    Pokemon Battle Revolution (just so I can pwn noobs on wifi battling)

    Good games, just not my kind of game:
    Super Mario Galaxy
    Resident Evil 4

    Recommended for me:
    No More Heroes
    Fire Emblem

    Recommended for my sister:
    Animal Crossing: City Folks
    Samba de Amigo
    Wii Cheer
    Dora the Explorer: Dora Saves the Snow Princess
    Harvest Moon

    Recommended for both:
    Mario Kart Wii
    Wii Play
    Wario Land: Shake It

    Also, I need to make a separate list for my 12 year old sister.
    So I need recommendations for that as well.
  2. dmac154

    dmac154 Well-Known Member

    Mario Kart Wii, No More Heroes, Wii Play, Guitar hero III.

    That's a list both of you will enjoy
  3. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    it is IMPOSSIBLE to find a Mario Kart Wii around where I live.

    what's Wii Play?

    and GH3 can be played on another system. Same goes for Rock Band, and the Wii version has the least amount of content in Rock Band, so no.
    That's one thing I hate about the Wii, they cut out a lot of features.

    Thanks for the recommendations!

    also, my sister likes mainly shovelware games that I despise with a passion. I refuse to help the problem with shovelware crap so I will not buy any of those this time. (She has a lot of those movie adaptations games like Over the Hedge and Shrek. Does she play them? Nope!)

    The only exception would have to be DDR or something similar to that.
  4. dmac154

    dmac154 Well-Known Member

    Wii Play is like 9 arcade games put into 1. It's a great 2 player game, fun for everyone. Plus you get an extra wii mote as well. Games include: pool/billards, air hockey, table tennis, a really addicting shooting which has no name, plus more. I'll review it tommorow and you'll see.
  5. Themagekiler

    Themagekiler Member

    I have about 20 games in my collection soo yea...
    red steel- mixed reviews on this game so far i've liked it but sword fighting controls can be better still enjoyable
    no more heros-games I've enjoyed most on my wii highly recommend it short game may want to rent
    guitar hero- game i've played most on my wii
    okami- fun game to play thought the paint brush control takes a bit getting used to
    fire emblem- fun tactic game
    medal of honor- don't remember if it's one or two that has online but get the one with online very fun
  6. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    most FPS games I like to play on the PS3 or PC.
    I would play them on the wii if the graphics were better and the controls a little more precise than the wiimote.

    me and my buddies finished the endless setlist on hard on rock band. I seriously don't want to touch another guitar controller for the next few months.

    Fire Emblem sounds fun.
    also, I want games that are kind of long and have some replay value, so rentals are out of the question.

    I also still enforce the rule, "if the controls suck, I don't play it."

    I am very picky when it comes to buying games. Downloading is a different story.
  7. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    One of the Square Enix games that are out/coming for Wii, just don't get My Life As A King.
  8. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    My Life as a King isn't even RPG... what the hell is Enix thinking?
    (I usually call them Enix when they do something stupid and Square for when they do something smart. lol)
    My way of saying that Squaresoft was fine the way it was before the merger.
  9. dmac154

    dmac154 Well-Known Member

    If you want a bunch of arcade games for your Wii, then you can get Wii Play. But really, the only important thing in the package is the extra controller. If you already have one, then there is no reason to get Wii Play. However, if you have a lot of friends over your house, then you can use it as a time-killer, as the whole game can be completed in a matter of minutes... your choice. I take back what I said about reviewing it, I have too many things to do right now, sorry.
  10. ultra

    ultra Guest

    from wiiware,
    lost winds from
    toki tori

    from virtual console,
    kid icarus
    star tropics

    is she new to gaming?
  11. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    not really. she has a DS, but again, she likes a lot of the little girly games, which 9 times out of 10, is crap.
  12. ultra

    ultra Guest

    according to who? remember that beauty is on the eye of the beholder.

    are you in a rush for new stuff or coming attractions?
  13. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    no rush. i have until christmas to get everything.

    I just don't want to get everything all at once.

    she has a lot of those game adaptations of movies and those always suck really bad.
    she has those nintendogs and those cheap petz games.
    the nintendogs games actually got a decent score on review sites, but the petz, catz, dogz, eh not so much.

    I let her use my Cyclo from time to time putting on as many games as I can possibly cram into 1 GB. The only games she really plays are Animal Crossing, Cooking Mama 2, and the nintendogs games. I gave her Cake Mania 2 to try out and that lasted about 5 minutes.

    I have to argue that some games that are geared towards kids have the difficulty jacked all of the way up to the maximum. Games like the New Super Mario Bros. was even a challenge for me. She has Super Princess Peach and without the aid of the built in AR codes on the Cyclo, she never would have gotten past the first set of levels. Even Pokemon is generally hard on the first play through. I remember playing Pokemon Red with a strategy guide. That strategy guide was my Bible of Pokemon. I consulted that frequently to fully understand type matching and statistics. I remember I was the only kid on the block that knew just about anything that you needed to know about playing Pokemon at the time.

    Trying to tell you what games she likes is trying to narrow down a search that has too many entries.
  14. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I still have a pokemon encyclopedia from the red/blue/yellow era, and I was the only person in my school that understood the elemental types and combinations.
  15. ultra

    ultra Guest

    good news, animal crossing city folks is coming out some time in november. they're also releasing a voice chat thing for it, but it won't be included with the game as people may not want to use it.

    avoid those petz, dogz, etc.... by ubisoft because they don't do anything new but emulate nintendos pet sim game and it's more of a cheap way for ubi to earn quick cash.

    you might want to check out a new wario land shake it. the game is coming out sometime in september.

    samba de amigo [september] and we cheer [cheerleading game, september] is coming out. i actually want to try that we cheer game.

    Dora the Explorer: Dora Saves the Snow Princess [late october]

    btw, they have cooking mama 1 for wii as well and the second one is coming out soon.

    harry potter 6 is coming out sometime this year.
  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    dogz and catz have been around for a hell of a lot longer than nintendogs, and even the DS.
  17. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I know, my sister has the PC versions of those.
    At least those actually have substance to them, like 600 MB of installation apiece.
  18. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    I heard Redsteel is quite good too.
  19. ultra

    ultra Guest

    for his sister?! no way!
  20. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    thanks ultra for the recommendations. those seem like really good picks.

    and I think anand was referring to a game that is geared towards what I would want to play.

    I need to start building up my list now.
    at least for the ones that are on my list, I might have to rent, since they aren't the definitive RPG style type games that I usually have fun with.

    harry potter 6: the movie won't be out until JULY!

    I doubt the game will be out in November since they usually follow the movie.

    for now, I am going to try and avoid wiiware and virtual console stuff. I usually like having stuff on a hard copy especially if I decide to wipe the harddrive or if something dumb happens. I'm not sure how Nintendo goes about retrieving already bought games so I will just leave it at that.