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Just a General Question from a Newcomer?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by obazjdra, Aug 11, 2007.

  1. obazjdra

    obazjdra New Member

    I haven't been into the emulation scene must of late, and I see that this site runs a little different using a point system. I was just wondering how I can get more points than 50 a day, I know that it says to go to Community, but I ain't really sure what it is I do to get points???

    Nice site tho. javascript:void(0);
  2. obazjdra

    obazjdra New Member

    Nevermind, I just noticed the other link community projects. IDIOT
  3. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    The best page to read about points is probably the Points Explained page:


    So currently only uploading in-game screenshots gives extra points. (5 per screenshot)
    Besides that you can buy 10,000 points at $5 (or more if you're feeling generous)
    or sign up as a premium member and get 150 points per day.