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Just a couple of TWEWY and LoZ: ST questions

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Xerohk, Jan 16, 2010.

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  1. Xerohk

    Xerohk Member

    I have a couple of questions for The World Ends With You and Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks. These questions may have been answered someplace else, but for the life of me I can't find them. Anyways, I'm using the latest No$GBA NDS emulator with the latest No$Zoomer. Now the questions, uno, in TWEWY No$Zoomer helped me in fixing the graphics, but now when I get to a very specific spot, the ROM image crashes. Is there anyway to fix this?

    Dos, in LoZ:ST there seem to be certain parts of it (like the intro screen and...well...just about all of the game) where the frame rate is 6 or so...whereas everywhere else the frame rate is closer to 30, where it should be. I've already done the patch to get the train controls back on screen and all that. But no matter what I try, I can't seem to get that frame rate back up.

    Again I apologize if both these questions have already been answered, but it's been a couple days now and I still couldn't find the answer to either question(and I pride myself on being able to say "If it's on the internet, I can find it"...and I still haven't found them...this makes me sad :-[).
  2. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    1: All you can really do is make sure you have the latest version of NO$GBA/NO$ZOOMER, or switch to another emulator (iDeaS/DeSmuME), play past that part, save, and switch back to NO$GBA.

    2: In the NO$GBA options/setup, you can lower Audio quality, change 3D renderer to NO$CASH, and change the Emulation Speed which are some examples of what you can do.
  3. Xerohk

    Xerohk Member

    I downloaded DeSmuME for TWEWY and it works like it does with No$Zoomer up to the start screen, but after that it glitches out and starts swapping the screens at a blinding speed. I don't know if DeSmuME very well(I work with No$GBA for just about everything) so I don't know if it can be fixed through the emulator. Any ideas?

    And just to let you know, the LoZ things worked like a charm. Thanks. ;D
  4. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    I played TWEWY with no$zoomer and no$gba and it works fine though.
    How about redownloading the no$gba ? Makes sure it's the 2.6a version.
  5. Xerohk

    Xerohk Member

    I made sure to download the 2.6a version for Spirit Tracks. It may be my computer. I'll mess around with it to find out.
  6. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    How about the Ex option in no$zoomer ? Turn only Ex 0.
    And on which part does it have the error for TWEWY ?
  7. Xerohk

    Xerohk Member

    I used the Ex to fix the start button problem, but it crashes shortly after where you have to run from the frogs. Then "ROM-image has crashed".
  8. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    Is it in the movie part ? Where Neku ran and meet some people ?
    This is an old error with a normal DS.

    Let's see.... how about changing the no$gba config like what anandjones said.
    Use nocash for renderer, lower the audio quality, changing the Emulation Speed.
  9. Xerohk

    Xerohk Member

    It's after the battle movement tutorial that it crashes. During the opening credits, as it shows him running past a guy in a hat who is running in the opposite direction. It's the frames after it shows him running past a girl standing there looking surprised. I've been using all the Exs because I haven't gone through to find out which exact combo it is that fixes the graphics. Could this have caused the crash?
  10. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    After the battle is the opening movie part.
    I heard many people has the errors there but on a real DS.

    Have you tried changing configuration ?

    Maybe this'll help, for Emulation Speed I use the Realtime one, for the renderer I use nocash, for NDS Cartride Backup Media I use Auto, for Audio Quality I use High.

    Try changing it.
  11. Xerohk

    Xerohk Member

    XD It sounds like Neku's been huffing helium with these settings. Then again it could be that the FPS is about 17-150%...
  12. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    Wow, it change that much ?
    I have normal speed with these setting though.

    Wonder what went wrong.... I keep thinking that you better redownload the no$gba and no$zoomer
    Use the one from the Common Issues thread.
  13. Xerohk

    Xerohk Member

    :-[ I figured out what it was...I accidently changed the Emulation speed to Realtime*1.5, auto... xD But that sure was funny.
  14. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    Still has the error ?
  15. Xerohk

    Xerohk Member

    Yeah...fixed the helium thing, but not the crash. Grawr! Are you just using Ex 0?
  16. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    Yeah, only that one, you can try the other if you want.
    Or I can give you a save past that part, but it's on the 2nd day.
  17. Xerohk

    Xerohk Member

    Lets see...if we assume it's the Exs that I'm using(all) that causes the crash. But just using 0 causes some minor visual glitches, then logically we can assume that some combination of the Exs will both fully fix the visual glitches and the crash. I think I got it now. I just need to find the combination of Exs that will elimante both problems. Or if push comes to shove, I could just live with the minor rather than the crash. ^_^
    Post Merge: [time]1263634259[/time]
    Yay! I got it to work! Thanks g@l1h.
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