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Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by votethedead, Mar 7, 2009.

  1. votethedead

    votethedead Guest


    Note from me: Most of the parts are great translated!
    And I wrote this guide myself after a hard search for the links etc.
    If you don't understand any part reply or pm me. [email protected]

    Ok you need to get:

    - The ORIGINAL and not trimmed Jump Ultimate Stars ROM (64 MB) Get it here!

    - jus-eng-dev03_05_08.dps or the most recent release from the link here:

    - dpspatcher.exe
    HERE http://st.free.fr/phpmyvisites.php?url=http%3A//deufeufeu.free.fr/dps/dpspatcher

    Create a folder with the rom and the patch in it.
    Make a copy of the Jump Ultimate Stars ROM and put it in the same folder.
    So if your ROM is called 0696 - Jump! Ultimate Stars.nds, make a copy called
    0696 - Jump! Ultimate StarsPATCHED.nds
    Drag the folder containing the 3 things you just made into the dpspatcher.exe
    which opens up a simple user interface.

    1 In "load original rom" search and select 0696 - Jump! Ultimate Stars.nds then click "open".
    2 In "load Dps patch" search and select jus-eng-dev03_05_08.dps then click again "open".
    3 In "Save patched rom to" search and select 0696 - Jump! Ultimate StarsPATCH.nds then click
    once again "open".
    4 Clich "Patch" wait a little and you are done! Just Put the 0696 - Jump! Ultimate StarsPATCH.nds
    into your games folder in the cartridge and load it like a normal rom.
    5 It's ENGLISH!!! Happy SHONEN JUMPing!!!
    6 READ THIS ONLY IF YOU OWN A DSTT cartridge. Anyone else shut down your Pc and play!

    If you own a DSTT (like me) you have to do a few more things. Don't try play
    it without doing this it doesn't work dudes.

    7 First download this patcher:
    8 Extract it.
    9 Inside there should be those 3 things:

    a read me (from the uploader, it's not me)

    10 Put in a folder the following:

    0696 - Jump! Ultimate Stars.nds
    0696 - Jump! Ultimate StarsPATCH.nds

    11 Run PATCH.bat
    12 The olny thing left in the folder should be the patched rom. Load it in your DSTT and ENJOY! ;D
  2. j@ack

    j@ack Member

    the links dont work anymore, not for me anyway
  3. CPTflconX

    CPTflconX Member

    yeah, they don't work for me either. :( , What can I do?
  4. NIKKObwoy

    NIKKObwoy Member

    votethedead, your links are now dead. either the site was shut down or the host stopped hosting it
    please update/change it. or a mod can delete/lock this post since it doesn't work anymore

    If anyone is interested, follow this link to where it is hosted
    I haven't tested it yet but will be doing so and will post results here when I've done so.

    just tried it out, works perfectly. IF you follow the steps correctly !
    the translation isn't completely done
    but the instructions are translated so that's a relief
    its playable and other features are available which are not translated
    but trial and error should help you out !
    just follow the link above in my post and you should be able to download the patcher and the translation file. Then all you'd need is the original UNTRIMMED version which you can get at Romulation. Then follow steps as is. Good luck everyone and THANKS for the instructions votethedead ! :)
  5. Mikiie

    Mikiie Well-Known Member

    Here it is, all patched up- that is unless you want to do it yourself.
    Note: I didn't do this-found it on a youtube video.
  6. ramio98

    ramio98 New Member

    mikiie thanks sooooo much iv always wanted to understand jus an by the way is that a pic of reborn anyway staying on da topic votethedead u are a very old person giving us fake websites i hate you
  7. diskjocki

    diskjocki Well-Known Member

    Bit harsh don't you think? The links he posted weren't "fake", they were dead.
  8. Loic0123

    Loic0123 Well-Known Member

    mimi does it work?
    Post Merge: [time]1260784697[/time]
    miki* :eek:
    Post Merge: [time]1260787448[/time]
    someone post a prepatched rom pls?
  9. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    That link is dead.

    Check my dumping tools link, I have the patch that was listed in that link...I should know since I got it from there before it died.

    There is also a mini guide...I made it so my little brother could understand it.

    (He's 13...but he's dumber than the typical one XD)
  10. jbrough06

    jbrough06 New Member

    guys and gals- the decision here is to do it with mikiis version or patch it ur self. self- patching is quicker but the prepatched version is easier. it does however, take the piss to download! my suggestion is to do it urself :)

    thanks anyway mikiie =]
  11. 159159

    159159 Member


    Prepatched For Dstt ^ :) :D ;D

    Works On Dstt
    Not Sure About R4...
  12. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    I have thrown an old bad english pre-patched rom in this thread https://www.romulation.org/forum/index.php?topic=30062 for those who are having problems. It may not work, I do not have a R4 clone to test. Hope it helps.
  13. megaponder

    megaponder New Member

    im not gonna patch it im gonna download it right now im downloadign i found this on youtube my self
  14. I dont know why everyone is getting so hyped up about this game.. its not that great.
  15. knightmare235

    knightmare235 Well-Known Member

    Here is a link to a pre-patched Jump! Ultimate Stars.


    The only thing that is not in english is the Quiz. Question is does anyone have the Jump Super Stars english patch I would be ever so greatful if someone did post it. BTW that link will not die out download all you want.
  16. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Closest thing to smash brothers on ds...with all of our fav anime characters :)

    and OI!

    The link is dead...there is a link in my sig of the final patch FROM THE LINK before it died.

    I can provide help as well...just pm me :)
  17. exiavalanche

    exiavalanche Well-Known Member

  18. dementiumboy13

    dementiumboy13 Well-Known Member

    Finally I've got the game in english!!!
  19. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    why did you bump this thread =="
  20. ymg414

    ymg414 Member

    Yep This one works on my R4 Revolution for DS, and i'm using YSMENU v1.17a12