Imagine yourself in a world filled with the most careful drivers ever. They never attempt to speed past a traffic light turning red, they always give way and there are zero drunk drivers. You know you're safe, and protected, since the drivers will never get you. Will you be willing to run past a huge traffic, just to save a minute or so from the 24 hours you have? What good will that do you, and are you aware of the dangers? Imagine yourself in a world filled with the most reckless drivers ever. They never give way, always speed past traffic lights that have turned red, and there are more drunk drivers than drunk people in the world. Even if you follow the safety rules, you're still at risk. Right now, are you willing to save a minute or so from the 24 hours you have? What good will that do you, and are you aware of the dangers? Now bring yourself back to reality. You will never know when some person will just speed past a red light, you'll never know if he'll stop or if he'll just continue. Basically, you can never expect it. Most drivers will follow the rules, some will rush past. What are your thoughts on Jaywalking? I personally find no trouble to just wait a minute or so to cross the road. Even if you are a crazy businessman who's only got a minute left to get past the road, run up the stairs and into the meeting room, I still think it's better to just wait.
If I jay walk I know there are risk involved, if I am doing the right thing and someone goes thru a red while Im crossing I get the rego number and call the cops, if they nearly hit me but stop i tap the bonet... That said, if you jay walk IN FRONT OF ME I will make sure you stay down! YOU DO NOT TOUCH MY CAR!
Drivers make mistakes just like anyone else, and if your travelling at 30mph and look in the mirror for a second, how far have you travelled? If you sneeze whilst driving you can't see for a couple of seconds. Im on the drivers side, roads are for driving on, walk across at your own risk.
I would never jaywalk. The time I save will never be equivalent with the time I'd lose if I get mowed down.
Englands a lot different to the places I see on TV, we have like 1 thin road with 2 skinny lanes, you can be across in literally 2 seconds. Ive seen places like india and japan on TV and there is no way I would try it on those roads.
Guess it depends on the place then. There's one road where I live that's 3-lanes, and the drivers are sons of Fast and Furious. I've lost count of how many dead animals' kicked it on that road. Sometimes you have to wait up to 5/6 minutes before you can cross -- those guys don't even stop if they see your crossing from afar. They just assume you're gonna get there and floor it. Like, jaywalker's hell. D:
I don't walk anywhere outside of my neighborhood. I've been downtown a couple of times though, It's impossible to jaywalk without getting killed.
I try to avoid crossing the road, jaywalking or following the rules of the road. I got hit by a car when I was crossing a road legally, I'm honestly afraid to cross roads either legally or jaywalking in the city because of this. Funny thing is, all the cars in the lane stopped for me (I was crossing it legally, but it wasn't at a set of lights), but one got rear ended and in turn that car hit me. This honestly makes me extremely hesitant to cross the road even when all cars are stopped.
I berated a cop once in front of busy intersection because of me and a couple of ladies crossing the street legally. I asked him why he is allowing the cars to pass when it was clearly red and we were walking in the pedestrian crossing? I was helping 2 old ladies carry their heavy bags of vegetables across the street and when i got to the other end, i looked backed and saw the policeman allowed the cars to pass and the 2 old ladies were stuck in the middle isle when clearly it was still red. He even told me i was jaywalking? Thats when i got mad and told him are you colored blind? Do you know the difference between Red and green? Red means stop and green means go. When the 2 old ladies were able to cross, they help me argue about that. The police man just left like nothing happened. The policemen here sucks, thats why people die here and be killed without at least seeing they were defended by people whose job is to help and protect its citizens.
There are jaywalkers all over the world. I know that feeling. I nearly got hit once, luckily I decided to walk slowly. If I had moved at my normal pace, the car would have got me.
there's more in the philippines though you do know you have to cross when the walk light is green right?
Listen to this man, he counted them all up. You do know that not all pedestrian crossings are at traffic lights right?
We have only few of those crossing lights. The pedestrian crossings are mostly found below a stop light. so, if the color becomes red, you are allowed to pass cause the cars should stop. And if its green the cars go, so you should wait or else they will hit you. The problem here in the Philippines, there is a stop light and there is a traffic enforcer below that light. And i don't get it why their is a traffic police thats color blind. And they wonder why the streets and highways here are congested with traffic. Also, to add, pls dont try to cross if the light turns yellow to red, yellow light here doesn't mean slow down, its means speed up man, its turning red! - Source from a public transportation driver.
In my 'city', it's ok to cross wherever as long as you are watching for cars. I usually cross on the one-way streets anyways.
if its a busy road dont do it. if its a road with no cars on it and u can see really far out both ways then sure