I've seen a lot of it lately and why not make a java irc? I mean saves a lot of time setting up the mirc just to chat on the romu irc so why not make a java version and post it right here on romulation?
Before anyone asks, he means this in a bad way. As far as I'm concerned, setting up an IRC client is somewhat of a preliminary test. If you can't pass, you're not worthy of joining our hallowed halls. That said, there's always Mibbit. Oh, and setting up a client does not take "a lot of time" by any measure, unless you're unworthy to begin with.
exac- hey! I know how to set it up! it's just there's no hype in the IRC there and well for any noobs who want to use the romu irc and have no idea how to set it up on mirc well that would be just great. just put up some kind of a noob sign on them if they access the java irc instead of the mIRC. Post Merge: [time]1282264478[/time] oh and I already know that. 2 years of sarcastic training puts up to good use
Let's put it this way, having javairc would mean people coming and asking 'where are the ds roms???', 'do you have links for ds roms???' etc. The noob sign wouldn't help at all, it'll just be kick/ban bait for HalfOps and Ops. Or not, depending if they're there or not, which they're not on all the time. There is a tutorial how to use mIRC on the site too, by the way. If you know what you're doing, it literally takes 30 seconds to access Romu's channel. And, no hype? Apparently you didn't take grammar training.
well put it against the rules to ask for roms over at the irc. it took me awhile to setup with mIRC before I actually got there
To summarise it all bluntly, IRC is easy to set up. If you honestly WANT to go on IRC, you'll take five-ten minutes of your time reading the mIRC tutorial. It's sort of like a qualitative exam. If you don't want to spend a bit of time doing that, you're not worth talking to on IRC anyway. Make it easier, suddenly you have imbeciles bitching about the DS ROMs and all that jazz. Also nobody ever reads the rules. What makes you think people dropping in to ask idiot questions are going to type "!rules" instead of straight up asking "OMG WHERE ARE DS ROMS PLZZ?????", exactly? Because people here are stupid. Look at how many people here post without regard for the rules.
IRC and forums all over are full of idiots. People just want their instant gratification, without actually looking over the rules. How many topics requesting NDS roms and such before the rules change did we see? How many topics after looking at the DS pages were made asking "omg y cant i donwlode my romz?" Making an easy to find java link would make the channel get spammed with all that. Besides, mirc isn't even hard to use Install it Open It /server whatever the heck the server the channel is on /join #romuchannelname takes a few seconds at best,
And plus, IRC isn't governed by any rule. Frequently there will be porn links, talk of penises, the occasional flaming, scheming (which doesn't happen anymore sadly). Having more noobs on the channel would traumatize them, not that I really care.
Well, some channels set rules, No roms, etc, i don't go to the romu channel so i assumed it had some sort of rules set up, guess not.
I use the java IRC on blackcats and the last time I saw somebody say "OMG WHY ISN'T *insert game* HERE?!?!?" he got an instant ban. I'm just saying, if you got the power then put it to good use
I don't have any IRC client installed. I use mibbit though if I ever get on there. And if I do, it's not that long...or I just fall asleep. I don't really know why there would be the need of a JavaIRC...
this suggestion sounds boring..........for some reason i relate irc's to dating.......[not that it has anything to do with me finding it boring].......