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Jai Alai Fans

Discussion in 'Sports' started by Cahos Rahne Veloza, Nov 14, 2010.

  1. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    So OK, I might be shooting blanks here for posting this topic up so bare with me LOL!

    Are there any other RomUlation members besides me who's fascinated with this underrated & often frowned upon sport?


    No, no I don't play :( Seeing as with most games, this sport is a fast paced one relying heavily with good motor skills & a good eyesight.... something I definitely am lacking in.

    I know the sport is looked down upon in some circles because the Sport has always been deeply associated with gambling, but so are boxing, basketball, football (what Americans call Soccer), hockey, baseball & a lot of more recognized sports :p

    I've been fascinated by this sport ever since I happen stance saw a game aired on late night (midnight to be exact) television back in 2001 during my final year in college whilst I was writing part of my thesis. It was late & I was getting sleepy from researching & typing that I decided to turn the TV on to see if I can catch a late night por.... err, not really, we don't get late night porn on TV in this hypocritical country of ours :p So anyway, there I was channel surfingwhen this seemingly odd but cool looking sport caught my eye, soon enough I got hooked & started watching every night when I had the chance.

    Part of me liking it is because it's most often an individual sport & I'm definitely into that than team sports :)

    To get an idea of the sport, here are several clips from Youtube:


    But obviously I watch the games from my country LOL!

    Here's one of my favorites, these guys aren't Pro, pros or players you'd see on TV but they're pretty damn good too:


    My favorite moment is at 1:30 when the guy was forced to get down on his knees or else the ball'll hit him on his head hard.
  2. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    I've seen Jai Alai games when I was 60% drunk one night. lol

    They're funny.
  3. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    What I like about the players I see on TV is that they're kinda like characters from a videogame in the sense that everyone has their own skills, strengths & favorite shots.

    One guy I used to like back in 2001 was this African American who could jump high (apparently white man really can't jump) to catch shots that go way too high for anyone else to reach. Then there's this guy who's specialty is a shot that makes the ball ricochet from the front (target) wall then onto the side wall that's too difficult to chase. And another guy who seems to be able to climb the side wall & use it as leverage to launch himself high enough to catch high flies.